Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 1506:

No audio at all.

But what no one knew was that she had discovered an energy crystal.

Moreover, it is still an energy crystal that can speed up spiritual cultivation.

To this end, she did not hesitate to activate the entire Zerg to mine these crystals for her.

It has also created the current Zerg fortress.

Leverage the power of a family to cultivate your own body.

\\"Boom, boom...\\"

In the continuous roar, countless blue energy rushed towards Sarah\'s body along the nerve conduits one by one. And Sarah\'s entire body trembled uncontrollably.

Even the blue veins on the forehead are exposed.

However, at this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to see the unstoppable rise of her mental power, as if there is no end. If the mental power of an ordinary person is ten... If the mental power of an ordinary sixth-order giant is ten thousand...

So now Sarah, her spiritual power is climbing towards 10,000...

Moreover, the speed of the climb is extremely terrifying.

And this is the spirit of becoming a god...

Different from the continuous polishing of the fleshly preaching...

It is also different from the law of proving the Tao, and constantly comprehends it.

There is only one thing to do in spiritual preaching, and that is to constantly raise one\'s own spiritual power...

Elevated without end...

The more terrifying the spiritual force, the more terrifying its power.

This is spiritual preaching.

It is not as fancy as ordinary people imagine.

The real spiritual demonstration is simple, straightforward, but extremely direct.

Interfering with reality from the mind,

And then to mentally warped reality...

Until later, the spirit materialized...

Just, go straight to direct.

But every time the spirit grows, it is difficult and painful...

Just like now, Sarah, as her spirit continued to rise, her mind seemed to explode... The unimaginable pain spread throughout her body. .

Chapter 2337 Yangshen flower, soul protection fruit (second more)

"Flesh, law, spirit...\\"

"It seems that the body is the roughest, and the spirit is the most mysterious...\\"

"But when you really cultivate, you will find that the physical body is like the universe, mysterious and mysterious, and indescribable, but that seemingly extremely mysterious spirit is the most rude, and its essence is that the more terrifying the spiritual power, the stronger the power. It\'s terrifying...\\"

In a soft whisper, an illusory dragon shadow is also the mother star of the haunting Zerg, swimming slowly.

And this is naturally Yu Ziyu...

As Sarah\'s master, Yu Ziyu cares about this precious disciple very much.

In the dark, there is also a lot of care.

And now, when he heard that his disciple was attacking the Lord, he also arrived at the first time and silently guarded it.

However, it is worth mentioning that the Zerg has not dominated the emergence until now.

And the reason for this is because the Zerg is not a race that advocates personal force.

This is a racially united, terrifying clan obsessed with war.

If you move, there will be thousands of troops.

Even hundreds of millions of troops.

A steady stream of Zerg people, as if locusts are crossing the border, is enough to sweep everything.

In this regard, the insect plagues of the old days, the rat tide, and the shoes are not worth it.

Moreover, most Zerg are obedient to a will... Under the leadership of this will, they have an extremely terrifying dedication, not afraid of death, not afraid of fighting.

Every battle and death data will be transferred to the will of the Zerg...

Then, under the leadership of the will of the Zerg, the Zerg individuals will carry out targeted and highly efficient evolution.

what does this mean?

Naturally, no words are needed.

Absolute unity and power,

Even without the ultimate master of personal force, the Zerg is a force that cannot be underestimated.

And now, the Zerg is actually showing signs of dominance coming out.

"If there is really a Zerg master coming out, then this force will be qualitatively changed, and countless Zerg consciousness will be unified... Become a part of Sarah...\\"

"And at that time, Sarah was the Zerg, and the Zerg was Sarah..."

"Not separate from each other, one with each other..."

Speaking one after another, Yu Ziyu also seemed to see the rise of a powerful ruler. Well, it\'s not as simple as being powerful anymore.

It can be said without hesitation that Sarah at that time had the potential to impact \\\'taboo\\\'.

Yes, the potential for shocking taboos.

Given time, not to mention that he will keep pace with the other three bodies of Yu Ziyu,

But it has the ability to fight.

And that is not difficult to understand.

One Sarah, probably not enough.

But the entire Zerg, hundreds of millions of Zerg people, all belong to her?

You must know that the consciousness of the Zerg can be continuously integrated.

Simply put, the spiritual power of the Zerg can be shared or even superimposed...

Of course, this is also Yu Ziyu\'s guess.

Now he only sees this possibility.

Specifically, it also depends on how Sarah walks.

And now, looking at Sarah, Yu Ziyu also has a touch of expectation.

\\"Breakthrough with peace of mind."

As he spoke softly, the green light continued to spread.

In the blink of an eye, the small half of the starry sky was covered, even shrouded.

This is the enchantment arranged by Yu Ziyu.

To a certain extent, it can hide the sky and cross the sea and block the perception of many strong people.

Even the perception of heaven can be deceived.

A silent breakthrough is the most perfect.

Moreover, Sarah\'s spiritual practice is also different from others.

This kind of cultivation is dangerous and unpredictable,

Very unimaginable.

Back then, Zhuang Xuan of Daomen was able to break through the spiritual mystery with the help of Daomen\'s heritage, but now, Sarah has no Daomen\'s heritage.

Therefore, compared to Zhuang Xuan, her breakthrough was several times more difficult.

However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu was also slightly startled.

He remembered that there seemed to be several very good treasures in the treasure house of his body.

Among them, one is the soul protection fruit.

Another is the flower of the gods.

These two treasures are sacred objects that protect the spirit.

He almost forgot.

Thinking and this, Yu Ziyu is also controlling the body... rushing towards here.

...for flowers...


And shortly after this,


In the sudden roar, the entire Zerg home planet was a meal,

There seems to be a layer of invisible ripples, and between the layers of ripples, everything is constantly slowing down until it stops. And at this moment,



There was another roar, and in the deepest part of the Zerg mother planet, there was a sacred tree rising from the ground.

His wicker is like a divine chain, criss-crossing, pulling out all kinds of laws, wrapping the entire parent star. His roots are like real dragons.

As the sky roared, the space was shaking.

What is astonishing is that his appearance, one after another Zerg seems to be unaware, and there is no movement.

Not only the Zerg, but even the half-step master Sarah, who was suspended in mid-air, didn\'t seem to notice anything. Do not,

It\'s not that they didn\'t notice.

Instead, they all stopped.

Like a freeze frame, the entire Zerg home planet is stranded in the long river of time.

This is how terrifying Yu Ziyu is now.

As soon as I thought about it, under the dominance of the seventh-order, there was not even the slightest resistance.

Now Yu Ziyu can say unceremoniously that he can fix the entire solar system in one thought.

The birth and death of billions of beings are all within his thought.

However, even so, Yu Ziyu didn\'t go to the starry sky and pushed the world horizontally. He has always kept a low profile.

Even now, he is invincible in the world, and he is willing to hibernate and harvest in secret.

"Small water can last forever.\\"

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu also took out a lot of treasures from the treasure house. Among them, there are nourishing flowers and soul-protecting fruits.

These two treasures, Yu Ziyu also did not know where they came from.

He has too much power, too much.

Who knows which force has collected it?

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu was also determined to sort out the treasure trove.

If I remember correctly, in his treasure trove, there seem to be eight or nine kinds of seventh-order spiritual flowers and grasses. These, put into the starry sky, are enough to set off a **** storm, even if it is the master, he can\'t help but **** the treasure. Ten thousand.

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