Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 182 - 181

Cain considers calling for clones of Symbia, but the real one will be here soon, so he might as well wait for her. Call it support for small local business. 

He needs to decide what to have created to protect the house though. Four guards with gear, maybe a menacing Aura type curse for unauthorized visitors? Psychological warfare is good. Then a Barrier type Trap? They\'re simple things, if you reach the edge of the curse, you are returned to a specific point and disoriented. Either trapping the unaware, or keeping them out. It\'s not too hard to get around, or resist, but Cain plans to save the really good ones for the Guild Castle. 

Yes, a Barrier trap on the windows would be good, have it move them back into the street. Simple, Safe and effective. Outright killing trespassers is frowned upon. Unless your Guilds are at war, in which case everything is fair game. 

There\'s shouting from next door already, they must have had a customer when the Demon dispelled their tricks. The two without a system won\'t be able to do anything about it, so they\'ll need someone with one to come rescue them. 

"Every bit of this is junk. That\'s not what I saw a second ago, and not what you\'ve labeled it. I\'ve got half a mind to call the Earl\'s corruption investigator here right now." An irate voice shouts, and Cain can see everyone on the block come out to watch the show. 

Carlos and Symbia are coming down the street, hand in hand, but stop to see what\'s going on. 

Cain feels a spell taking effect, and everyone seems calm again, but he can\'t tell where it came from. 

"It is just an illusion, sir. Someone is messing with our business. We\'re honest and trusted names here in Assah, I assure you." The fat man almost has the mark led back into the store when Cain feels the effects break again, thanks to the Record Keeper.

The sudden change caught everyone\'s attention, highlighting the fact that a calming spell had been used. 

"Record Keeper, where did their spell come from, could you tell?" Cain asks. 

"A Succubus type magic user in the basement. No higher than level 50."

"Oath Breaker, bring me that Succubus. Record Keeper, disenchant it and put it to sleep in a room upstairs, I\'ll deal with it later." Cain says, releasing one of the six Oath Breakers he\'s still merged with. 

It\'s gone in a flash, then back with a tightly bound Incubus Illusionist. He looks rough, like has been starved, and there\'s a shock collar on his neck. Cain tears it open and lets it drop to the floor before signaling the Record Keeper to force the transfer to sleep. Can\'t have the collar waking him up, plus it\'s probably the signal to cast at least one of the spells. 

The collar is lighting up constantly now, arcing electricity as it sits on the floor, while the angry voices outside get louder and louder. Some of their \'customers\' had come to their defense, and the Record Keeper\'s spell broke the illusion on their items descriptions as well. Hopefully it didn\'t bother any of his friendlier neighbors, but if they were using disguises, they might not have been trustworthy to begin with. 

"What\'s all that then?" Symbia asks, before stopping suddenly when she sees the demons. 

"Don\'t worry about these two, they\'re just chilling. But it seems the neighbor is a con artist." Cain shrugs. 

"Alright then. But I think the police are coming. Someone was running off to get the city guard when we got here." Symbia shrugs. 

"I am thinking four guards with swords and armor for the property, and then a Barrier on the windows that sends anyone trying to enter them into the street. That plus an ominous Aura effect of some sort for uninvited visitors should be enough to get us started on the home security." Cain tells her. 

"I can do all of that. I even brought a map to show me where I\'ve stationed guards, because of the numbers per area restrictions."

"Well, this will mark the first location in your map then. Let\'s see what we can do to secure the place."

The uniforms they brought are a short sleeved, light green knee length tunic dress, with a silver chest plate on top and plate armored arms and legs underneath. A simple short sword with a single side blade in the elegant Elven fashion hangs from their hip and a winged helmet with a full visor adorns their head, letting long blonde hair flow out the back. Dressed like this, you can\'t tell they\'re not real humans. None of the Doll skin is easily visible unless they open their helmet. 

Those who know might realize they\'re the standard pattern Elven Female doll that Symbia makes, and all identical, but that seems unlikely, and wouldn\'t make a real difference anyhow. Using her new skill, they\'ll have her level, and be able to make basic decisions to accomplish the task they\'re set. 

Symbia sends them outside to guard the grounds, two on the front porch, and two at the back, so they can see the whole property. It\'s not large, just a standard city lot, and only a few meters to the next shops, so a walk between buildings isn\'t really necessary. Once every two hours they will switch positions in pairs, one each front and back, to look like guard rotations but never leave the porch unguarded. 

Then comes the property curses, one to give a sense of danger, that only applies to non Guild Members and only off the front walkway or when nobody is here. Then the barrier on the windows to prevent people from entering, should they sneak past the guards. 

The house finally secure, Cain heads to the basement and sets up the travel Inscription, linking it to the Guild House in Montauk. 

[Beach House is up and running. Common bunks with hammocks are upstairs, open area on the main floor we will eventually use for something.] Cain sends in Guild chat and gets a wave of cheers in response. 

"Well now, if I had known you\'d brighten up the scenery like this, I\'d have helped clean the place up before you arrived." Ghazzul jokes when Cain comes out front to check on his new guards. 

"You like them? They\'re made by Symbia, good 24 hour security, since we\'ve got some sketchy neighbors." Cain says the last bit louder, to be heard from the jeweler\'s, where a group of city guards accompanied by a man in a suit have just entered. The angry crowd has grown, many in the neighborhood fell for their scam, and the Record Keeper\'s spell has a large area of effect. 

The Demon is still enjoying the game too, when more people show up he dispels again, breaking multiple enchantments, including a number of beauty spells that locals have cast on themselves. 

Through all the chaos of the angry mob, Cain spots a familiar Gnomish merchant with two children in tow. Going by relative sizes and faces, Cain thinks they might be in their early teen years, and they\'re definitely excited to be here. 

[Char, we\'ve got the transport circle to Montauk operational, and the Gnomes for training are almost here if you\'d like to join us.]

[Give me 3 minutes, I\'m just finishing up kids rooms here in Sunnybrook for them to stay in.]

"Welcome. Don\'t mind the noise, the shop next door was selling fake jewelry." Cain greets them and the children immediately look at the Record Keeper, who is now sitting cross legged on the floor, since standing properly is impossible for it. 

"I\'ve heard of these. Record Keepers are supposed to be able to do amazing things with magic." One of the girls says, waking towards it. 

"What have I told you about hugging demons?" The older gnome snaps. 

"But I\'m a Warlock. A war lock. Why would I be afraid of Summoned demons?" The little girl responds with full snark.

"Besides, she\'s got me. We might be small, but Gnomish warriors are mighty." Her sister proudly backs up the fearless Warlock. 

"Enough you. You\'re level fifteen, it\'s level one hundred and forty six. It could squish you by accident." The Gnomish woman shakes her head at heir antics, clearly they\'re like this all the time. 

"Are these my two mighty new students?" Char asks, coming up from the basement. 

"See, see, even the teacher realizes how amazing we are." The high pitched and squeaky voices of Gnomish children makes it nearly impossible for Cain to take them seriously, but Char is looking them over like she\'s impressed. 

Their gear is simple stuff, green quality as you would expect of a student, just good enough to have high durability, while still being very affordable. Both are in matching black pants with a tan long sleeved blouse worn untucked that has a logo on the chest, likely their school uniforms. The Warrior has a chain mail tunic under hers and metal shin plates over her pant legs with metal gauntlets on. 

"It seems your mom did a fine job getting you ready for your training. Now, we\'ll get you fully inducted as members when we get back to Sunnybrook, so say your goodbyes and make sure you didn\'t forget to put anything in your inventory."

The first ones who get a goodbye are the pair of demons, then Cain, who sneaks then each a Gold Coin with a wink, making them giggle at the excess of spending money, then finally a close to but not quite tearful farewell to their mother.

"Now be good and listen to your teachers. They\'ll get you all leveled up and ready to fight in no time." She says as they wave goodbye one final time, headed for the basement stairs that will take them to the training grounds in Sunnybrook and Graska. 

Char has a whole educational plan built for them and the other new recruits they\'ve taken in, visiting lower level towns to let them gain experience while she just watches, keeping them from becoming overconfident. She\'s not even planning on letting them use the Summons from the Guild Skill until they\'ve proven they\'re competent with just their own class abilities.

All professional, like she\'s training her own personal Guard again in this life. 

Which isn\'t a bad idea, if Cain\'s new dream of having the Guild be influential everywhere is to be a reality, they\'ll need regional directors, with their own guards and staff. 

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