My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 70 - Mysteries Of Life And Gift Boxes

[ Deducting 500 CP From Host… ]

[ You Have Purchased 1x Mystery Box! ]

Will you open Pandora\'s Box and unleash all the evils in the world? Or will you open a gift from the Heavens? The Mystery Box may contain any of the multiple items from across the universe thanks to the Sponsorship that LSO receives from numerous individuals and groups.

[ Would You Like To Open The Mystery Box Now? ]

Li Yang glanced at his watch and considered his chances of starting off an Apocalypse? He understood what could happen if he got a box that was similar to Pandora\'s and yet with a Mystery Box where the System\'s Shop description claimed it contained items from across the Universe.—the chances were sure to be small.

He gave a silent \'Yes\' confirming it. The image of a gift box materialized in his vision. It had a hue of green and was even tied with a peach ribbon, but began to unwrap itself quickly.

[ Congratulations! You Have Received 3x sets of Goblin Nail Clippings! ]


Li Yang stared at the individually sealed zip-lock plastic bag containing the items he won floating in the air and sighed inwardly. The urge to say it was trash was on his lips, and yet it might have some other use? It was better than thinking he had bad luck. Albeit that depended primarily on one\'s perspective. Other than that, he awaited for the next ding and the notification coming up in front of him.

[ Achievement Unlocked! ]

[ What\'s Inside? The Heavens Decide! - I ]

You have opened 1x Mystery Box

[ You Have Received 500 Charm Points ]

"I managed to break-even with it…" Li Yang said to himself with a whisper and considered the next portion of this particular Achievement. He checked the Achievement Page and saw that \'What\'s Inside? The Heavens Decide - II\' was achievable by opening three boxes. The man had decided to take a break from his work. He considered his options of returning to work now to triple-check the documents for the board meeting or opening more boxes…

The CEO glanced at his laptop to check for any urgent emails addressed to him, but there was none so far. And so his mind drifted back to Mystery Boxes. The Charm Points he\'d earn by purchasing Mystery Boxes would probably just break-even with his Achievements, and the chances of him getting his hands on something useful was still possible. At least more useful than toenail clippings. 

Something sounded—but this time, it wasn\'t from the System and was instead an email from the Wang Corporation? It was an odd chance. But regardless of it, he came to check it and raised a brow. It wasn\'t from the Director but his grandson, the young man he had met recently. Was there a sudden matter?


Good afternoon CEO Li Yang:

This is Wang Liquin from the Wang Corporation—first and foremost, you have our heartfelt gratitude for the considerable acceptance of an agreement between the two of our businesses. I wish to forgo with the formalities and simply extend a small token of our appreciation, although this one is mostly from me. I believe my grandfather will also send his own regards. It was a little difficult to consider what might be an appropriate gift, but I hope that you or someone else you know may find use for them.

Attached to this email are two virtual VIP tickets to the upcoming concert of Bai Minghua and Sun Aoyun. 


Wang Liquin

"Odd," The CEO said it to himself with a furrowed brow look. He did receive gifts and complimentary items from his fellow associates in the profession and even from interested parties that wished to get some favor, but this was one of the first times that he received something like this instead of a premium membership to a country club or even something like a pen engraved with the company\'s name.

He didn\'t have time for concerts or anything.

Li Yang would jot down his own message and half-wondered if he should reciprocate and send something in return. He understood that in this arrangement; it was him who had the higher capacity, but he also knew from experience that the Wang family was respectable and reliable. Their sudden financial troubles for the past five years were what had tarnished and placed them in this terrible spot… but he saw this as their start of recovery. Li Yang wondered if this was just him having a soft spot, but once he emailed—he focused back on the task he originally had on hand.

He would gain a new Achievement and hope for something useful to arrive in his hands.

[ Deducting 1000 CP From Host… ]

[ You Have Purchased 2x Mystery Box! ]

[ Would You Like To Open The Mystery Boxes Now? ]

The sound of someone knocking interrupted him before he could confirm things—but he understood who it was supposed to be. "Miss He? Please come in." She normally would have cracked the door and would peek in, but now she opened the door and stepped inside with the tray containing the Root Blossoming Tea.

"Good afternoon, sir. I\'ve brought your tea."

"Thank you, Miss He."

She would place it in one of the spare tables in his office and bowed slightly, "Have a good afternoon. Do you have anything else that you need, sir?"

Li Yang realized that perhaps the Panda was right about the secretary giving him the cold shoulder? … It should have been obvious now that he paid more attention to it. And yet he was so used to separating his personal life from his business life that he didn\'t think that his secretary could act like this?

Ying Yue He looked back at him, "If there\'s nothing, I\'ll be returning to my station."

Not that it wasn\'t bad—she was maintaining a professional, if not a little cold distance from him. The CEO knew that he should just let it go, that it might be better that she stayed away, especially with the sudden mess brought on from years ago. But he cleared his throat, "There\'s one thing, Miss He."

She paused at the door and looked over her shoulder, "Yes, sir?"

"Do you know who Bai Minghua and Sun Aoyun are?"

The secretary blinked at him, "They\'re both vocal artists, Mister Li. Do you need information on them or their contacts? Is this for a business event or something like that, sir?"

He shook his head, "I received two VIP tickets from the grandson of the Director to their upcoming concert. Are you interested, Miss He?"

"H-huh… with whom, sir?"

Li Yang raised a brow, a bit surprised himself. She didn\'t automatically assume that it was him, so perhaps she was interested in going out with someone else. "Do you have anyone particular in mind? A friend or a co-worker here, Miss He?"

Ying Yue He scratched her cheek, "No, not really, sir. I don\'t have much time to socialize, the other employees are on other floors... and I don\'t have many friends or relatives around in this city."

Li Yang realized that this was the first time he had heard her speak about this, and he wasn\'t exactly sure what to say now. Most of his interactions with other people were on relaxed and lighthearted terms, especially with his fellow associates. But now that he recalled their conversation at the cafe, she only spoke of watching shows or reading books.

She made no mention of doing anything else during her weekends.

Li Yang remembered something and gave a light comment, "If I recall, you seem to be on good terms with the cook at the diner near your apartment?"

"H-huh, oh Mou Gu?"

"Yes, him." He nodded. The CEO understood he was the worst person to ask or give suggestions about relaxing, and yet she also seemed at a loss. Had he given her too many tasks that she couldn\'t do anything but sleep on the weekends?

Ying Yue He managed a weak laugh, the first since they saw each other this morning and shook her head. "I don\'t think he\'s…" She paused and pursed her lips and then brushed some of her hair behind an ear. "You know what, maybe you have a point, Mister Li? Perhaps he\'d be interested in this. He dyes his hair pink and wears contact lenses, so this might just be his style."

Li Yang thought that was a far leap in making conclusions about one\'s tastes in music, but if that was what made her find courage to ask someone else. He nodded, "There\'s no harm in asking."

[ You Have Lost 20 Charm Points ]

Her smile tightened slightly, and she nodded, "Yes, I\'ll do just that."

The man furrowed his brows—it was rather disturbing that she\'d say one thing, but then not exactly be pleased over it. And yet he stood up and got his tea, "Thank you, Miss He. I\'ll email you the tickets."

"Are you really sure, Mister Li?"

He looked back up and took a sip of his tea, and ignored the ding that sounded over the background. He lifted a brow and asked, "About giving you the tickets, I have no—"

"But they meant the tickets for you to use, Mister Li. I don\'t think that the grandson of the Wang Company would be happy to hear that you simply gave it all away—surely, what if there comes a time soon that you meet with him and then he asks you about the concert?"

She made a somewhat good point, but even then… he shrugged. "I suppose I could say that I missed it."

"You should go, Mister Li!" Ying Yue He insisted with a frown on her face.

"And would you accompany me?"

Ying Yue He pursed her lips, "... don\'t you have some other person to bring, Mister Li?"


Her cheeks burned, "Miss Luo Ju Di?"


Author Note: Did you know that any kind of self-grooming gesture around the face—like tucking her hair behind one ear, or playing with her earring—indicates that she\'s primping herself to make a good impression, according to body language research. (Men\'s Health) And yes, the Miss Secretary just tried to make him jealous, which kind of backfired and now we\'re here. I\'m sure some of you are only interested in the Mystery Boxes though, or others on unwrapping the Secretary like a gift. Or both. Also, this is my blog, InkCloud if you\'re still with us xD Got too embarrassed to share since it\'s not that active.

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