Epic of Bee

Chapter 208 Waking Up, Lost

I was in darkness, but I had been sitting cross-legged for a while now. I had no idea where I was other than in a completely empty cavern.

I was getting no signs of life around me, and nothing but the constant drip of water could be heard. That and the three Cat Dragons that were still inside of me.

They were the only thing that had come with me; Hilda was gone. I don\'t know if she was just silent or if she had stayed with the ship, but I would be glad if it was the second.

"That is more than likely to be what happened, but you can\'t sit around here moping all day long, or we will never get anything done!" Thanos said in my mind.

"Yes, you should get up and explore around; you need to find a way out of here so you can figure out where you are," Tigra told me, but I knew that.

I was just trying to take everything that happened in and trying to think of what I could have done differently.

"There is no point in worrying about that right now. You need to be worrying about your own safety and well-being. Once you gain some experience from fighting, we will be able to come out again, and then we will fight for you, but for now, we are still growing," Atom explained, and I sighed and then stood up.

"Fine, but I don\'t really like walking in the dark," I said, and then wished I had some source of light, and I got it.

Small blue orbs started to appear around me, and the room started to light up. I was confused at first, but then I remembered the Nectargey that I had absorbed.

The chamber filled with soft blue light, and I could now see the dungeon more clearly. I called it a dungeon because that is what it felt like, and I found it highly unusual that I was transported to a cave with only one exit.

I started forward, but then I reached out to the side, and reality cracked as I pushed my hand into the FIRE, where all my weapons were stored, and grabbed the Angle Divide. A wave of relief passed over me now that I knew that I had a weapon, but I had my magic as well, though I would have to be careful when using it in a tight space.

I had not really used any magic yet, and I really didn\'t think I should be messing around with it until I found the exit. Once I got outside, I would start trying out the different spells, but for now, I would just stick to what I knew, and that was this spear.

"You can separate them, and they will shift into blades that will be easier to manage in tight quarters. I am able to review your skills and abilities while in this state, so I will double for Hilda for the time being," Atom informed me, and I thanked him and then did as he said.

As soon as I separated them, the hexagon spears tapered down and then flattened into blades in my hands, becoming a lot easier to use. I swung the swords around, whirling them in the air, happy with the weight.

I was thankful that I had these three with me, or I might have been still sitting down, trying to figure out what I could have done better. I couldn\'t be doing that right now; I needed to get moving and get back to my people.

I moved forward and entered the tunnel leading out of the carven, and my small blue lights followed me. The tunnel was long, and I was picking up no movement, but I was starting to get audio feedback from my enhanced hearing and was thankful for the Mecha Gene that made this possible.

The sound gave me chills; it was clicking as scratching, and I knew what made those kinds of noises. Bugs; I hated bugs and was glad that I never had to go meet the Ant Folk.

"You know that you are technically a bug?" Tigra asked me, and I scowled.

"About as much as you are a mouse. Maybe the Ant Folk wouldn\'t be so bad, but whatever this is, it isn\'t talking; it\'s clicking. That says full bug to me!" I said while also giving an involuntary shiver.

"What are you going to do then? Just wait around until someone brave enough comes to save you, my Queen," Thanos asked in a condescending tone, and I rolled my eyes, but he was right.

There was no one coming to save me, and my only option was to get outside and find out where I was. If that meant going through some bugs, then that is what I would have to do!

"That\'s the spirit! Look at the bright side; you are not a weakling anymore, and you should be able to take on anything alone! You are the Queen, and you are a WARRIOR!" Thanos shouted in my mind, and I tried to let him pump me up, but I was still worried.

p This was the first time that I would have to face something alone. While Thanos might be partially correct, I still had to contend with my own worries in the back of my mind as I started to move down the tunnel and closer to the source of the sound.

As I slowly walked forward, the sounds of the creature were getting closer, and my hair started to raise up as I got closer. The sounds of the creature were also accompanied by a wet, tearing sound that made me feel like I was going to vomit.

The sound was coming from around the corner, and no part of me wanted anything to do with it. It didn\'t take a genius to think what a monster might be doing to make those sounds, but I didn\'t have a choice as I slowly crept up to peek around the corner.

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