Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 395 - Anko Vs Pain

Chapter 395 - Anko Vs Pain

In the depth of Konoha, an almost invisible creature was stealthily crawling over the village\'s roofs. This creature was one of Anima Path Pain\'s summons: a gigantic chameleon that could turn invisible.

Initially, Pain wanted to use it to infiltrate further into Konoha and wreak havoc at Konoha\'s hospital, one of Konoha\'s most essential locations, but his plans were swiftly thwarted when the chameleon suddenly started roaring in pain, while its body started melting at its neck as if someone poured magma over it.

Moments later, a small crimson snake with a length of about a meter slithered away from the roaring chameleon and casually wound itself around the body of a nearby woman with purple hair with a weirdly smug-looking expression on its face.

"Hehe, good job Akane, that\'s one down."


The mouth of the suffering chameleon opened, and just before it poofed out of existence, a man with long orange hair, two black piercing underneath his eyes, and six arranged around his chin jumped out of it. This was Animal Path Pain, who had a plethora of summons in his repertoire.

Without a moment of delay, Pain slammed his hands on the ground, resulting in a total of three summoning diagrams appearing on the ground.

A massive bird with an exceedingly long beak that looked like a spear, a huge rhinoceros, and a monstrous dog appeared; all three summons had the Rinnegan instead of normal eyes.

Anko frowned when she saw the three massive creatures in front of her. This was still the middle of Konoha, after all. Anko scanned her surroundings and sighed in relief when she noticed that that were at least no other people in the vicinity she would have to look out for.

Anko considered her options before simply shrugging her shoulders in indifference. Things would become messy anyway, so a bit of damage couldn\'t be helped.

The colorization around Anko\'s eyes turned crimson as she slammed her hands on the ground with a vicious grin, and moments later, two massive snakes appeared next to her. She considered summoning Manda, but Anko didn\'t believe him to be trustworthy enough to call him for such an important fight. So, instead of Manda, she called for two slightly weaker snakes who were more reliable.

Pain jumped on the giant bird, which immediately took flight, while his two other summons immediately charged at Anko\'s snakes, resulting in a massive monster fight in the middle of Konoha.

Anko couldn\'t help but sweat a little when she remembered that Yuna promised Tsunade that the Uzumaki clan would partially pay for the damage dealt to Konoha during the fight but decided that that would be a problem future Anko would have to deal with.

Yet again, she scanned her surroundings and sighed in relief when she noticed multiple Uzumaki clan members hastily approaching the battle, each with a massive scroll on their back that undoubtedly could be used to contain the battlefield.

Additionally, Anko decided to ignore the Uzumaki\'s excited comments about the awesome monster battle in front of them that would cause average shinobi to tremble in fear.

Anko shook her head to get rid of her idle thoughts as her eyes landed on the massive bird flying in the sky, causing her to frown again. She couldn\'t fly, and reaching her enemy might be a little troublesome if he kept flying high in the air.

Before Anko could come up with a counter-strategy, another two summonings appeared next to Pain and started falling towards the ground: A giant centipede and a colossal crustacean.

Anko was slowly getting annoyed by her opponent\'s stalling tactics and clapped her hands together, gathering massive amounts of chakra while taking a deep breath.

"[Flame Cultivation Arts: Grand White Inferno"]

A gigantic wave of searing white flames burst forth from Anko\'s mouth, covering enormous amounts of air-space, making it impossible for Pain\'s two new summons, who couldn\'t fly, to dodge.

While the centipede couldn\'t do anything to block Anko\'s attack except for coiling itself up into a dense ball, the crustacean opened its mouth and shot a beam of water bubbles into Anko\'s attack.

However, the bubble attack barely showed any effect as Anko\'s attack easily overwhelmed it, and within in seconds, the two summoned beasts were burned into ashes.

While Anko\'s attack covered the sky, Pain\'s bird summon managed to move out of the attack\'s path while maneuvering away from Anko\'s sight, to attempt a sneak attack.

Pain\'s summon dove towards Anko\'s back at high speed, its pointy drill-beak pointing menacingly at her heart.

However, Anko might not be the best sensor in Yuna\'s group but spotting a monstrous bird that was aiming for her heart was child\'s play for her. Especially if luring Pain into attacking her in close combat was one of the options she considered to lure him out of the sky.

So, when Pain\'s summon was a few meters away from her, she turned around at lightning speed as dozen of snakes shot out of her sleeves, coiling themselves around the bird\'s beak.

Anko grunted in displeasure as she used her snakes as springs to spread the impact of the charge attack all over her body instead of concentrating it on one point.

If Natural Energy didn\'t strengthen her body, Pain\'s attack would have still been incredibly devastating, but since that wasn\'t the case, she only felt a slight numbness all over her body while a massive grin spread on her face.

"Hehe, gotcha!"

Although Pain\'s summon was caught by Anko, he didn\'t understand why Anko acted like she had already won. That doubt was cleared rather quickly when he realized that the snake that was previously coiled around Anko was no longer there.

Before he could react, fangs pierced into his neck, causing his whole body to melt at a quick pace. Naturally, his body was only a remotely controlled corpse, so his expression was still indifferent, despite his body\'s current state.

However, just when his face was about to be consumed, his face twisted in fear, causing Anko to lift her eyebrows.

"Oh? I wonder what Yuna did to him~"

Anko lazily stretched her back, pretending not to see how much damage the fight between her two snake summons and Pain\'s summons caused before she closed her eyes and spread her sense to look for another opponent.

"Meh, no more enemies nearby, huh? How unlucky… Oh well, let\'s search around randomly and hope for the best."

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