What The Luck!?

Chapter 347 - 347. Too Easy?

"Dude, don\'t ask me. She might give you the look of stone." 

"Bro, just ask her what she and her group train with to be so good."

"I swear, you two are so cowardly. She\'s dating that leader of the group and she has tp know the tricks he uses to make the group stronger. They have been together since the first day of school."

"I don\'t see you asking her." 

The three students thought that they were whispering. However, Jane could hear every word that was amplified by their strained breathing while doing curl ups. "You know, we use the academic apps to test each other while we train and do footwork challenges. Then we use the elite home gym app for work out and move videos that has a free version too. Then we work out in the mornings and alone at night. Not to mention the classes we take at school and the tournaments we have gone to outside of school. We also book the school gym for time on our days off." 

"Oh, and now I am done with the curl ups for this station. See you all later." 

The stunned students who thought their conversation was quieter than it actually was found that their minds were melting. The number of exercises and training that Jane just told them about exceeded what they thought would be possible. There was even the insane amount of mental fortitude needed to hold to that kind of schedule. 

"They\'re all monsters"

"Agreed. They are all super powered monsters."

"Guys, I don\'t remember what number curl up I was on…" 

The three cursed their distraction and were forced to start over while Jane headed down the stairs. 

"So, I just carry this up all the stairs then back down?" Sammy found herself looking at her first work out. There was a different weight for each sack that could be carried over a persons\' shoulder. Sammy was lucky to be the only one here but looking at all the stairs she knew that it would take her some time. "Uuugghhhh, it even says that we have to take the maximum weight we can carry." 

For Sammy, this meant that the work out here was even harder. She was not a muscular and strong person. Not only this but her super power made her less powerful as well when strength was concerned. She controlled wind and understood it to a degree. She would fly, not gain a ton of muscles for lifting heavy things. 

The decision made, Sammy took the weight and hefted it over her shoulder. She took a deep breath and started up the stairs. Halfway up the stairs, she heard two other people make it to the room. "What stops us from taking the smaller weights and just running up and down?" 

"Nothing. We take the small weights, run up, then run down before anyone else gets here."

  The two boys were doing exactly as Sammy had wanted to do at first. However, she was wise enough to know that the security cameras would catch everything they did. Before she turned from the top of the stairs she paused to hear that the two boys were about to get up the stairs having set up the small weights on their shoulders. 

"Don\'t forget that big brother is watching you!" Her shout was enough to scare the two half to death since they had not heard her at all. But what really shocked them was the fact that they could see Sammy starting down the stairs. 

Sammy had a fifty pound weight on her shoulder. This didn\'t seem like a lot until someone was to look at Sammy. All ninety eight pounds of the dainty young woman that wanted to fly and be weightless in the air. Fifty pounds was a pretty decent amount of weight for her to carry. 

Two thuds came to Sammy\'s ears as the boys dropped their weights in embarrassment. They had been called out about the camera on the ceilings but also for the weights they were trying to carry. They were being outdone so easily and picked up heavier weights to show off. 

The hurried footsteps toward the top made Sammy want to rush. But since she was heading down the stairs there was more danger. She slowed herself and watched the two boys pass her while trying to race. She made it to the bottom when they made it to the top. They had obviously not taken their heaviest weights but at least they hadn\'t given in to temptation and ignored her warning. With a slight shrug, she was off to her next work out before the two boys got to the bottom to brag about the heavier weights they had lifted. 

"Just throw the ball at the wall and catch it while doing curl ups? This was was more fun than any other work out here. I got lucky." Art was one of two other students that had made it to this particular work out station. They didn\'t need to worry too much because there was no number requirement. Instead, it was a fifteen minute requirement. This may train core but it was mainly to train hand eye coordination while in an uncomfortable situation. 

"It\'s a lot harder than it looks. You might have won a tournament but you are still not the best of the best." 

"Like he said, please try it before you judge." The boy and Gil already doing the work out looked to have only started a minute apart from each other. Art would be seven minutes away from them starting now. 

"I think I will be fin. Thank you for your concern though. But to be honest, you guys are moving really slow." Art didn\'t wait for his rebuttal to stick. Instead, he started to move much faster with his throwing and catching. He was determined to show off his skills along with the hard earned stamina he had. 

The second he started to throw the ball against the wall while curling up, he knew that this was tougher than it looked. The rhythm had to be sound so that he could move through the entire work out but not too fast to the point that he exhausted himself. 

However, he still moved at three times faster pace than the other two students making them judge him as crazy. Especially since they had tried to give him advice. 

Yet, once the boy and the girl had finished they found themselves staring at Art with their jaws nearly hitting the floor. He was still moving at the same pace and even humming a song to pass the time. Art had barely broken a sweat the entire time. Unknowingly, he worked out the full fifteen minutes and the other two students had stayed to see him stand up as if nothing had happened at all. 

"You guys are still here? We have so much left on the card though? Are your abs too sore? You might want to stretch." Art jogged off after giving his own advice. The most shocking part to the two students was the fact that they had been training longer than Art. Actually, they had been training for at least a full year longer than art, and he had still outdone them easily. 

"Stay in line. There\'s only one ope and if you fail you go to the back of the line and get ready to try again." The most students had become stuck in the rope climb. Luckily, one of the seven students that were there waiting had taken the time to explain the rules to Louis when he jogged up. 

"Seems easy enough. But why is everyone failing?" Louis could see that most of those attempting only made it halfway up. To him, this was not as high as the obstacle course was so fear of heights was not a thing for him anymore. He had learned to get over these fears through the time he spent training with the group. 

"Oh yeah, super easy. The robe digs in to your hands. It\'s impossible." One student heard Louis\'s comment and decided to meet it with heavy sarcasm.

"Just wait until I beat it first try." Louis felt he had been challenged. This fueled his energy to power up the rope and then slide down in victory. Unfortunately, he watched everyone in front of him to fail and it made him worry a little. 

When he finally stood at the base of the rope and grabbed it, he was a little shocked. The robe didn\'t feel bad in his hands. He had already gained callouses from working hard and the rope barely even pricked at his hands. "This will be so easy!" 

The exclamation caused a heap of angry comments to be thrown at him. But when Louis began to climb the rope and easily surpass the halfway point, everyone was silent. By the time he slid to the ground after writing his name on the ceiling in chalk, the others were fired up to erase his name and write theres\'. "Hey, good luck getting up there.." Louis was a little sarcastic too for some small revenge but still jogged away to the next station. 

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