Martial Arts Master

Chapter 505 - Nature Sect

Chapter 505: Nature Sect

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Gasping, the blonde girl reached for her phone and tried to snap a picture, but by the time she had her camera aligned, the shadow that was hopping between buildings like a spider had vanished.

“Missed a picture of a superhero...” She retracted her gaze to express her disappointment on social media.

Superheroes: fictional characters that spawned from comics to movies. A travesty of reality. Everyone knows that, but that didn’t stop some people from imitating and replicating them when they evolved similar abilities. Based on rough calculations compiled by fans, there were more than 20 spidermans that were recognized in all of America, and the numbers for the likes of Batman and Magneto didn’t fall behind either.

She brooded after lamenting. The appearance of superheroes usually spelled trouble— danger. Has something terrible happened nearby?

Suddenly, she felt nervous and curious.


In the Msasi Martial Arts Gym.

“I know, I know,” Lou Cheng promised with a slightly indifferent smile, when Brook was done with his explanation.

The past him would have fumed and seethed at big bald Olsen’s racist taunts, but at his current level and power, he found it more amusing than insulting.

Martial arts don’t suit me? This joke can make a week’s worth of entertainment!

Brook nodded contentedly. He led Lou Cheng deeper inside through corridors and past training grounds, introducing the Geruga Sect while he was at it.

The Mission Sect had the most influence in Europe and America, but the Nature Sect was the one with the longest history. They believed in Animism from which they gained power and transformed themselves physically. The Geruga Sect was one of the major branches of the Nature Sect that promoted one’s spirituality.

On the same note, Geruga had its own inner divisions— Msasi focused on martial arts. Besides one’s own spirituality, they held firm to practicing Animism. The other sect leaned more towards Spirit Cultivation. They were on the verge of developing into a mission, and some of their rituals to awaken one’s own spirit could be likened to cult practices.

But these were Brook’s words— and Brook had a clear stand— so Lou Cheng took everything with a grain of salt.

Lou Cheng threw in some occasional yeses as assent, but never gave any personal input. He spent most of the time studying the arrangement of the place, the coaches, and the students.

The Msasi Martial Arts Gym took up much more land in comparison to the Dragon Punch Dojo. The two upper floors were partitioned into separate training grounds and rooms for different uses— hand-to-hand combat, wrestling practice, armed combat tutorials, and workout classes for the average person.

When they passed one of the rooms, Lou Cheng saw an aquarium-like place from the corner of his eyes. A large glass partition split the room. Inside, the water rippled gently, dark blue in color, with light spraying in from different directions.

A fit-looking white man, topless and clad in leather shorts, dove down from above. He held his breath under the water, delivering a flurry of kicks that snapped stone pillars one by one.

To do that under the water is... Pretty impressive...Without lingering to watch, Lou Cheng marched on with a brooding expression.

Brook barred his way with a hand, smiling as he apologised.

“Sorry, but this is it. Only martial artists allowed inside.”

Lou Cheng unconsciously looked. The room was submerged in sunlight, with wind blowing in from the windows, so quiet that it naturally soothed his mind.

But it wasn’t unoccupied. He caught glimpses of a muscular white male with a great sword in his hands, silently practicing his hacks. Every hack produced a sparkling radiance akin to the glimmer of stars.

He took a step, hacked, sparkled. He took another step, hacked, sparkled... A mundane scene, but it sparked Lou Cheng’s interest towards the Geruga Sect—and the Msasi Martial Arts Gym.

“What are my options if I want to learn?” he asked with great interest, turning towards Brook .

In Lou Cheng’s mind, though he wanted to experience different styles of martial arts, he also wanted to stay out of trouble, since that might cause him to be deported and have his visa rejected in the future and be banned from visiting his little fairy in America which would be horrible trade-off.

The key reason of coming over was their couple reunions, right?

On the other hand, it was against his nature to challenge the dojo, a haughty and senseless move that could easily tarnish their name.

So Lou Cheng came up with a plan. By paying a small sum of money, he could broaden his horizons through training along with them.

He would patiently wait for the chance to spar against mighty ones and be a model youth with vision, morals and culture.

“Alright. We have got workout classes and modules of different levels. There’s beginner, basic, intermediate, and advanced. Which one would you like? Though I have to warn you, the latter ones require corresponding martial arts foundations and could cost you a fortune...” Brook explained thoroughly as he led Lou Cheng back to where they started.

“What skill level is the advanced module at? How much is the school fee?” Lou Cheng asked without hesitation.

Brook paused, then skimmed over the dark-haired youth’s unimpressive arms and legs. A laugh escaped him.

“You? Advanced?”

“Yeah, I know kungfu. Kungfu, you know?” Lou Cheng asked as he flourished his fists in a practiced motion.

“Kungfu...” Brook muttered to himself. He was shaken but his eyes remained doubtful.

To him, Chinese kungfu was mysterious— it could let someone who wasn’t ripped with terrifying muscles produce terrifying bursts of strength...

But did the Asian kid before him really know kungfu?

“Alright, alright. Let me think. Hey Jorvik, get your ass here. You. Spar with him. Put on the gloves,” asked Brook as he beckoned to a white male who had his ripped upper body exposed.

He was practicing his footwork and punches.

Jorvik had a wide forehead, and his cold hard features made him look shy and introverted, but a deeper inspection would point towards a hidden desire towards violence. Bloodlust.

“Him? Knock it off Brook!” he said peevishly as he glowered at the braided black youth after taking a look at Lou Cheng.

Brook shrugged. “My man here wants to sign up for advanced modules.”

“Advanced modules?” Jorvik guffawed so hard his shoulder swayed loosely, as if someone had just told him a joke. Then he turned and put his boxing gloves on. “Hey kid, let me teach you what it’s like in advanced. Spoiler alert, it’s not the same as sucking on your mom’s titties!”

“Do I have to wear gloves?” Lou Cheng asked, unperturbed.

“You don’t have to. Just come at me with all you got,” Jorvik yelled in excitement, eyes gleaming.

That’s the first time I have heard such a request... Lou Cheng jested to himself. In one full swoop, he made the heels of his feet touch, rotated his knees inversely and twisted his hips to add force to his straight.

Jesting aside, he never actually used his full force, or even did a Dan stage burst. He didn’t need to.


A crisp sound reverberated at Jorvik’s ears, then he saw the punch coming right at him. He hurriedly put up his hands, the classic boxing block. His counterattack played out in his mind, a set of combination punches that would send the Asian boy crying and running to his mother.

Bam! The boxing gloves caved inwards. Jorvik teetered, then involuntarily took a step back. Another. And a third.

Plop! He fell to the ground off balance.

“What about now? Can I sign up? ” Lou Cheng asked, smiling as he turned around to look at Brook.

“Okay...” Brook replied stupidly.

Chinese kungfu is incredible...

The scrawny Asian boy knocked Jorvik off his feet in one punch! Jorvik! The rising boxing star!

“How much are the school fees?” Lou Cheng asked, getting back on track. In his glimpse he saw Jorvik shakily standing up.

Screw it if it’s too expensive. I can find other ways to experience things...

“5000 bucks. From now until Christmas,” Brook informed as he waved to the still-dazed Jorvik, gesturing him to go back to the training grounds.

5000 dollars... Quite expensive indeed, Lou Cheng thought.

“Where do I pay?” he asked after hesitating.

“Follow me,” said Brook. It wasn’t his first time seeing a martial artist, so it didn’t take long for him to regain his composure. He led Lou Cheng in a different direction as he continued. “Membership for workout classes is 100 dollars per month, not inclusive of personal trainers. 500 for beginner, 1000 for basic, 2000 for intermediate...”

This was when the duo-currency credit card came in handy—Lou Cheng specially applied for it when he was in China for the convenience of visiting his wife. After swiping his credit card, he signed the contract that allowed him to attend martial arts modules the very next day. 4 hours per day. If he performed outstandingly, he could even become an official disciple of the Msasi Martial Arts Gym.

During the procedures, Lou Cheng had to consult Yan Zheke through texts and pictures to get through the confusing contract.

In the end, both parties were delighted. Brook sent Lou Cheng out of the door with smiles and parting waves.

“See you tomorrow,” said Lou Cheng, smiling as he headed back towards Connecticut University.


At the same time, Smith had just gotten the ground under surveillance, ready to deal with any emergencies. He watched as Lou Cheng left Msasi Martial Arts Gym without harming a fly in his path... And just like that, he left...

“Shit! What the hell does he want?” cursed Smith. Adjusting his skynet permissions, he went through the footages from surveillance cameras inside the Msasi Martial Arts Gym

“He registered for a martial arts module?” At that moment, Smith felt that the world was filled with wonder.

A dangerous guy registering and joining a battle module, not even as an disciple...

He snapped back to reality after a few seconds, remembering past cases where Chinese Martial artists went around challenging Dojos and mighty ones right after stepping into the States. It caused quite some stir and they had to be deported with a permanent ban from America.

Smith nodded slightly. This monster wants to achieve something similar with his unorthodox methods...

Did he want to send a message to the Msasi Martial Arts Gym?

The question that popped up next was one which Smith would soon find an answer to.

“Why does he want to send them a message?”

He smiled and drew a cross across his chest with his finger.

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