The CEO's Woman

Chapter 96 Mental Case

Chapter 96 Mental Case

Grandfather Wu was frowning while listening to the narration of his son about Wu Minxia, his granddaughter.

"So? Don’t tell me you’re here to beg me to ask the Fu Family to have her stay in their villa?"He asked, his tone stern and serious.

His son must be crazy if he will give in to Wu Minxia’s antics.

For Grandfather Wu, this is not a simple matter. This stuff already happened to his daughter Wu Ziliang and he wouldn’t want the history to repeat itself.

"No, Father. I told Minxia to take it slow. I also told her to attend college abroad instead. It would be better that way."

"Hmp! Very Good. At least for once, you said no to that daughter of yours. This is what you get for spoiling her too much."

"And did she agree with you?" Granfather Wu asked.

Father Wu let out long sigh before nodding. "Father, don’t worry... I know what I’m doing. However, how could you let elder sister come back here with Wang Guiren’s suspicion?"

"What will happen if Old man Wang will found out about what happened before? The Wang Family is not the same Wang Family five years ago."

"You know how much Wang Huo loved Mingying. Why did you become so careless?"

"How could you give in to your daughter’s wishes?"

"What if... What if they will find something that will tie the whole Wu Family to what happened years ago?

Grandfather Wu instantly frowned after Father wu’s statement. "Do you think I am so dumb to leave any evidence? Your sister is mentally ill, all of us know that. She needed help."

"And I believe that this marriage can help her."

"I already promised to solve all this in five years, and I can’t find any reason to stop her from returning anymore."

"You know how helpless I become when I am in front of your sister."

"I am just... I just fear that she will try and kill herself."

"I know I shouldn’t have spoiled her to this degree, but what can I do? Your... I promised your mother that I will take care of Ziliang."

"Can you blame me for loving my daughter to this degree?"

Father Wu fell into silence after his father’s monologue. His father always doted on Wu Ziliang since they were young. This is the reason why Wu Ziliang thinks that their father can give the world to her if she would ask for it.

Even Father Wu felt helpless about her sister’s antics. All of them know that she is a mental case. Yet, they are too embarrassed to admit it.

They know that it will damage their reputation and will make the Wu Family laughable to the society.

"So, are you planning to propose for another marriage for Wang Huo? Are you not tired of this?" Father Wu asked.

"Let me tell you something..." Grandfather Wu started. "This time will be different. I have acquired some shares in the Wang Group, and I will make use of that so Wang Guiren will agree for the marriage."

"Are you crazy? You are planning to threaten Wang Guiren? Father, I can’t believe you will go to this extent just to fulfill Ziliang’s wishes!"

"What do you want me to do? The Wang Family is just a new family without any strong backing. They were not this rich 30 years ago. I can only use my influence to make your sister happy."

"This is the only thing that I can do for her."

Father Wu immediately protested. " But father, haven’t you heard about Wang Guiren’s ex-wife? I heard she came from an old influential family. What if..."

"That ex-wife... is the same wife that never showed her face after giving birth to her twins. What made you think that she will care about them now? Who knows if she is even alive at this point?"

"Plus... these are just rumors. No one actually saw Wang Guiren’s wife. It was as if she never existed in the first place."

"Who knows if Wang Guiren just made up stories like this and pick up a pair of twins from a relative family?"

"After all, his only resemblance to both Wang Huo and Wang Ruo is their gray eyes."

Father Wu immediately directed his gaze downward. A habit that he makes when he is analyzing things.

His father is somewhat reasonable. However, he is still worried about all this sinister plot.

"What about the Fu’s?" He asked.

"What about them?"

"I heard the Jiang Yue already met Madam Fu. And it seems that Zhao Fieyan likes her. What if she will intervene? We both know how Zhao Feiyan maintained her reputation."

Grandfather Wu immediately shook his head."The Fu’s won’t intervene. I am the old man Fu’s best friend for more than 30 years."

"He will not do something that will hurt our friendship." Grandfather Wu said while massaging his temples.

This is a very well thought out plan.

This will not fail.

He will make sure that this time, Wang Huo will marry his daughter, Wu Ziliang.

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