The Greatest Sinner

Chapter 49 - Bidding

After Koen had given the sign, the auction officially began. The first lot, which the auctioneer kindly introduced, had already been on the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, for the opening, we`ve prepared something really interesting." Saying this, the man was pointing his cane at a painting completely covered in fabric.

It might have seemed like an unfortunate decision to put the painting on the first lot. Usually the best and most interesting things are always left for the end. Nevertheless, the first lot should show the general mood of the whole auction. A simple painting could not be an attractive enough lot to bring excitement among the auctioneers.

But, it wasn\'t as simple as it might have seemed at first glance.


The auctioneer threw the cloth aside and showed everyone what the painting looked like. However, instead of admiration or indignation, people were puzzled. The canvas of the painting was completely blank, moreover, the painting didn\'t even have a frame, just a white canvas.

The auctioneer immediately proceeded to explain: "I can see the doubt in your eyes, but don\'t worry, there\'s nothing wrong with the painting. It\'s a very special painting, and it won\'t appear until you put mana into it. It\'s a high class painting, and in the paints that were used the powder of "Azure Stone". That\'s what makes it possible to hide the painting until the very end."

"Before I announce the price, you must remember that the pattern can be anything. You may like it, or you may find it so awful that you will regret your purchase. The starting price for this unusual painting is 100 gold pieces, with a minimum bid of 10 gold pieces. The bidding begins!"

Immediately after the auctioneer\'s words, many people began shouting out the price and outbidding each other.




Even though the painting was essentially like a pig in a poke, it was unique. Moreover, the unknown has always not only frightened people, but also attracted them. Also 100 or 200 gold pieces was a pretty small amount, which could be called a warm-up before the main part.

"200!" Shouted one man, and the bidding stopped for a while.

The auctioneer was about to close the bid and hand over the painting. But suddenly he said loudly: "Room 19 - 400 gold coins!" and pointed with his cane to one of the rooms on the first floor.

Obviously, the people sitting in the rooms on three floors could not shout out a price like the other guests. The rooms were very far from the stage, and they were also obstructed by glass. A special mechanism was devised so that the distinguished guests could call out their price.

In every room, without exception, there was a special sphere on a stand by the window. A magician had to touch it, name a number and pour mana into the sphere. After such simple manipulations, the sphere would glow brightly and numbers would appear in the air. Through the wide windows the numbers were easy to see, so as soon as the auctioneer saw them he immediately announced the new price.

The bid of the man in room 19, was large enough to scare away most of the guests. It wasn\'t that 400 gold coins was an unaffordable sum for them. It was just that the painting and the element of surprise weren\'t worth that much. For that kind of money, you could buy something more useful and interesting.

Seeing that no one was offering a larger sum, the auctioneer began the countdown.

"400 once!"

"400 two!"

"400 thr...!"

The auctioneer was about to close the bidding on the painting and move on to the next lot. But, suddenly, he raised his cane up and said loudly: "Room number 4 - 1,000 gold coins!"

The man who called this amount was, oddly enough, Marcel.

"Fien loves surprises, and this picture is two surprises in one, I think she will like it." Marcel said calmly, removing his hand from the sphere.

No one interrupted Marcel\'s bid and a couple of minutes later, the girl brought the painting to its new owner.

In fact, several people were also interested in the painting and were willing to give impressive sums of money. But, 1,000 gold coins was too much for most of them. Nor did they want to outbid and spoil their relationship with the man from the third floor.

It was worth understanding that if the man was on the third floor it meant that his influence and authority was about the same as that of the Erden Family and the Cross Family.

At that moment, Evan once again realized how rich Marcel was. Even of those who were present at this auction, few were willing to give 1,000 gold coins for a painting. Nevertheless, it was easy for Marcel to pay this sum.

When the first lot was finished, it was time for the next lot.

A girl came onto the stage with a dark, rectangular box in her hands. She carefully placed it on the stand and hurriedly withdrew.

The auctioneer said loudly: "Glad to introduce you to our second lot."


After these words, he opened the box and everyone could see what was inside. It was a short dagger with an emerald blade and a black hilt. The blade of the dagger was curved and on the blade itself, there was a skillful carving.

"This is neither a simple dagger nor a decorative weapon, but a "Catalyst" called the "Falling Leaf". The blade is made of the "Heart of the Ore Golem", and the hilt is of high quality obsidian. This is a perfect weapon for "Amplifiers", as all spells cast with this dagger are a bit stronger, but it also spends more mana. With the "Falling Leaf", you can defeat your opponent in one mighty blow." The auctioneer explained it calmly.

"The starting price of this deadly weapon is 1000 gold, the minimum bid is 100 gold!"

After his words, an active bidding began immediately.

Marcel and Evan calmly watched this and did nothing.

"Evan, if you want I can buy you this toy." Marcel turned to Evan.

In response, the young man shook his head, "No need. I\'ve already ordered my own weapons, especially since the "Catalysts" don\'t interest me right now."

"Oh, I see. Then we\'ll wait for something more interesting."

While Evan and Marcel were talking among themselves, the bidding came to the end. The man from the second floor took the "Falling Leaf" for an incredible 2,500 gold coins. It was a huge sum for the vast majority of people. Nevertheless, it was a reasonable price for the "Catalyst" they could have been worth many times that.

It was the turn of the third lot. Just like the last time, the girl took the stage and put the lot on the stand. This time the item was in a small, rectangular chest of green.


The auctioneer opened the chest, and everyone in the audience saw the bright blue crystal in it. You could tell at a glance that it was something very valuable and rare.

"It is my pleasure to present to you our third lot, the "Cave Troll Crystal"!

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