Ball of Nothing

Chapter 631 - Royal Date and Stalkers (5)

Chapter 631 - Royal Date and Stalkers (5)

"Why are the kelp yellow?" That was Zero\'s first question as they got off the carriage. The royal coachman left, and they were greeted by the owner of the establishment, who smiled at his question.

"As expected of a land-dweller! These are sea wheat, but they are modified kelp that grows on soil and seawater. Our queen is a fan of bread, and it is very difficult to obtain grains underwater to make flour. This is the only place that grows sea wheat, and the watermill behind turns the harvested sea wheat into salty flour. Would you like a tour?"

Zero looked at Queen Leah, who nodded. She turned to Priscilla and requested to change into something easier to move.

"At once, your majesty. Would you like me to prepare your riding gear as well?"

Queen Leah thought about it and looked at Zero. "Just bring us the riding gear. It\'s too much of a hassle to change."

Zero agreed, and Priscilla took a few maids with her to make preparations as the sea wheat farmer gave them a tour.

Fascinated by how Queen Leah designed something similar to the irrigation system they used in Half Moon Village, Zero asked how she found the inspiration for it.

Queen Leah was surprised that there was someone else using her methods of farming.

"Shouldn\'t land-dwellers have enough resources to not need sprinklers and water regulators? They can simply shift to a new plot of land and acclimatise it for a new farm. Indra Seagloo\'s soil is very old and lacks nutrients. We artificially introduce the needed nutrients for crops with this water irrigation method."

It made sense. Zero would have done so if there wasn\'t a need to maintain Half Moon Village\'s location and secrecy in Endow Hill. Packing and moving would be a lot easier for farming. However, the things they grew there and the portals they had made it impossible to relocate.

"Oh? A triple waterfall that produces energy similar to mana and a flower with powers similar to the world tree? What kind of country is that? I\'ve never heard about it."

Zero blushed. She spoke too highly of a mere village. "It isn\'t a country, my queen. It\'s just a small village on Endow Hill. I was there for about two years. Half my time was spent elsewhere, but I grew very fond of it. It has now become the home of my heart. I wish to give the villagers there a better life, but I know I will not be able to remain there for long."

Indeed, the Chosen One had duties to fulfil from the prophecy. After he earned the last key from her, he was going to leave. What a pity, she was starting to like him a lot.

"Will you miss them?" she asked as they strolled in the sea wheat field. The farm owner left them on their own to follow the dirt path after giving them a brief rundown about the farm\'s layout and what they could do here. Neither Zero nor Queen Leah was interested in operating a water tractor or playing with sprinklers, so they opted for a simple casual stroll.

Zero thought about it. Yes, he would miss everyone here. He didn\'t know what was going to happen once he left for Whiskeria. He might not be able to return for a while until he found Nel and unlocked his intergalactic map functions. The Gods also warned him about the possibility of time flowing differently on another planet. By the time he found Nel and acquired his skill, hundreds of years might have passed for Earth. Some people like Karris might not be there. Many things would have changed. He could also be forgotten.

Zero hated goodbyes. However, they were inevitable.

Similarly, Queen Leah felt the same. Each time she met someone good and nice, she would have to bid them goodbye. Zero was one such person. It wasn\'t difficult to like him. However, they were not meant to be by each other\'s side forever.

Bob adjusted his position in Zero\'s shirt and nuzzled his head against Zero\'s stomach ticklishly as a way to distract Zero from negative thoughts. It worked, and Zero had to stifle a giggle at that, although he did walk a little strangely until Bob stopped.

Queen Leah only lifted a brow elegantly in question when Zero slapped his own stomach to resume his normal behaviour. The great water sprite didn\'t question it, and they enjoyed the stroll a little more.

"Could you let me know why you keep on searching for new lovers? What didn\'t you like about your previous lovers? Did they mistreat you like how the actor treated the actress?"

The question took Queen Leah aback. She was simply enjoying the peace when Zero\'s question dropped like a bomb.

Zero sensed a shift in the mood and stopped walking. He looked at Queen Leah in the eyes. Honestly, there was nothing wrong with Queen Leah. She was very loved by everyone. Maybe she was simply choosing the wrong people to love.

Slightly embarrassed about her dating history, Queen Leah walked ahead of Zero for a while as the doctor struggled to catch up with her pace. He didn\'t pressure her for an answer and simply waited. If she didn\'t want to tell him, that was fine too. After all, his job was to help her find out her ideal lover and not become one.

"It\'s a funny story," the sea queen admitted after walking for fifteen minutes with Zero trailing behind. "The lover who acted like that actor earlier was my fifty-ninth ex-lover. I don\'t usually have standards for my lovers, but after so many failed relationships and listening to my beloved courtiers\' advice, I set the bar higher.

As they walked, Queen Leah admitted all she ever wanted was someone she could feel comfortable spending time together in silence. As a queen, she had too many duties and responsibilities. She didn\'t want to always take control of things, especially when she was tired.

"Just walking in the sea wheat field like this with someone who would listen to me would make me very happy. I don\'t need my lover to be good-looking, smart or handsome. Just someone kind with a good head on their shoulders would make me very happy. Sometimes, I wonder if I truly want a lover. After so many failed attempts, I\'m a little tired."

Zero blinked. "Why not stop looking for them? You\'re a great water sprite. Unlike human, dwarves and elven rulers who have a limited lifespan, you can live for a very long time without needing heirs. People find someone else to start a family for the sake of repopulating their kind. It\'s something the Gods created to maintain the lifecycle of their creations. On the other hand, spirits and faes don\'t need them. They are born to the Earth and plane as a complete individual."

His words made so much sense that Queen Leah stopped and looked at him. Indeed, why didn\'t she think about this? For the first time in several centuries, Queen Leah felt refreshed at the new perspective.

Why didn\'t she think about this earlier?

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