Ball of Nothing

Chapter 499 - Slavery Guild

Chapter 499 - Slavery Guild

Breakfast was simple and basic as Aldina had to leave early for her newspaper sales. Gary apologised for the lack of variety on the menu but promised that they would be compensated at dinner when Aldina returned.

As for the talks, Gary decided to close the inn for a while to visit Mitchnew and also offer an apology to the almighty dragon for his impudence the day before. Zero laughed it off and told him that Bob wasn’t a petty person but Gary still insisted on doing so. They didn’t stop him but Zero told the old general that Bob enjoyed good roasted meat if he intended to get on Bob’s good side before they left to walk around the other districts of the city.

"Where to?" Truen asked and Zero smiled. He already had an idea of what he wanted to see when he spoke to Gary last night.

"The northern and eastern districts. Let’s check on the situation with slavery. It has been a few months since negotiation started, I hope there is a positive effect."

Little did they know, things didn’t go according to their expectations. With Desert Lily too far from Smargdas, Mitchnew busy with her information network and Green Hawks completely in charge of implementing the new certification standards, Truen and Zero could only stare dumbly at the outrageous system when they reached the northern district.

The building they stood outside of looked like a high-class auction hall and it really wasn’t very different from other auction halls if the sign didn’t read "Slavery Guild".

"Greetings!" the guild staff smiled and walked up to them when they stood outside the slavery guild for a little too long looking like ignorant buyers.

Zero was lost and Truen felt no better although he hid it better. "What is this place? I’ve never seen it the last time I was here."

The staff didn’t look surprised. Instead, he was more enthusiastic about explaining the new system.

"You must have been gone for a few months then! This slavery guild is something new in Smargdas. Word has it that the nobles implemented it for the benefit of all slave owners to screen through the savages from the premium breeds. Naturally, slave laws are now very strictly exercised in Smargdas because of it but I assure you that every slave registered with the new law will be worth their prices. May I know what kind of slaves are you looking for?"

"There are primarily three kinds of slaves classed under combat slaves, servant slaves and bedroom slaves. The most popular kind of slave is the bedroom slave for nobles to show off at the parties. Those volunteering to become slaves most now sign a contract to undergo a compulsory slave training program in Smargdas and be graded according to their performance at the institute. Naturally, health checks and proper living conditions will be arranged for volunteers undergoing the training as provided by the guild. Successful graduates will attend the auction where they would be sold to the highest bidder who would be registered with the guild upon purchase. The slavery deed will be transferred to the owner and the slave will become the owner’s property until the owner changes hands, dies or the slave buys their contract back from the guild."

While everything sounded good on the surface, Zero couldn’t help but feel anxious about the slaves who didn’t register with the guild.

"What about those who aren’t registered with the guild or have already been slaves before the new law started? I hear that illegal slave trafficking in the south is still going on in the city. Does the guild not do anything about it?"

The staff looked slightly uncomfortable about that. "Is there a slave you would like to enquire about in particular?"

Truen nodded. "Her name is Misana, a squirrel beast folk girl."

The guild staff looked troubled and was about to apologise when an important person appeared behind them.

"I will take over the request for these two gentlemen. Apologies for not receiving you earlier, I am Duke Connie. Desert Lily has briefly spoken about the both of you from your visit to Deadman Town. I trust that your trip to Derby Desert has been eventful?"

Duke Connie was nothing like Zero had expected. Initially, he thought that the duke would be similar to King Brice seeing as they were half brothers. However, Duke Connie was a middle-aged man with a trimmed beard. While he was attractive enough to attract the attention of the ladies, he did not give off the vibes of a kind man. Instead, he looked every inch like a cunning business shark.

Truen smiled and didn’t hesitate to accept the offer as Zero kept up with the appearances by remaining silent. It was safer to let Truen handle the situation as they rehearsed for such events. Duke Connie smiled invitingly and invited them into the guild where they were shown to a VIP room upstairs. He was very hospitable but Zero didn’t like him. The blessing that he received kept warning him against this man. Every word that came from his mouth was a lie or full of dishonesty. Zero had never met such a person before.

Tea was served and they were finally given the privacy to have a chat with the Duke who seemed extremely pleased with the unexpected opportunity to meet the powerful and mysterious leader of Half Moon Village. Zero didn’t look that much older than King Brice and he certainly didn’t give off the vibe of a powerful or dangerous person. However, that poker face was unreadable so Duke Connie trod carefully with his words and actions. The wood elf who accompanied and spoke on behalf of Zero was not an easy opponent.

"To what do I owe the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of a personal visit? Ever since the suggestion of introducing certification and standards for slavery, my eyes have been opened to a whole new world. The Green Hawks have never seen profits rolling in so quickly and the hype has taken over all the nobles in Smargdas regardless of factions. If there is something that I can do for the esteemed investors of this marvellous project, I would do my best to assist."

His words sounded nice but Zero shuddered inwardly.

"I feel like I’m going to vomit, Truen... he’s disgusting! Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie!" Zero w.h.i.n.ed in the party call but his outward expression betrayed nothing.

Truen had to give Zero credit for mastering the poker face despite his internal panic and confusion. He told Zero to continue keeping a poker face and act disinterested while he handled the talks. Duke Connie was one slimy person and while he didn’t know what was truly happening since the change, Truen knew that Zero didn’t like how things worked.

Deciding to start off on an easier topic, Truen asked about the changes and the measures taken to ensure that new regulations for slavery standards were followed.

Duke Connie smiled. If this was how they wanted to start, he wouldn’t mind entertaining them for a while. He had all the time in the world to play this game. It would be such a shame if he failed to reel in the big fishes that everyone had been dying to find. Half Moon Village’s support would boost his faction tremendously and Duke Zurich can forget about approaching them now that they were in his territory.

"Yes, of course. You’d be curious to know what happened after seeing such a drastic change in less than a year. Shall we enjoy some snacks while we talk?"

Zero didn’t feel like eating and Truen didn’t touch the food even though they were probably expensive judging by the plating. It didn’t affect Duke Connie’s mood as he continued to wear his perfected smile. The mental battle had already begun and Zero readied himself for the next few hours to come.

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