Ball of Nothing

Chapter 167 The Trial 2

Chapter 167 The Trial 2

For a moment Ruth froze. Despite the innocent question, the vampire felt as if he was facing the world’s angriest beast protective of its only child. Despite the polite smiles and pleasantry, Ruth shivered. King Yama was notorious for being cold-hearted. He was a fair but ruthless judge which was both a good and bad thing. King Yama wasn’t the most popular person to talk to even in the Purgatory but he was known to be impartial and good at his job. Nobody had anything to say about it and his credibility was unshakable, the greatest reason why he was invited to act as the trial’s mediator.

Thankfully, the windows flung open before Ruth was forced to answer. A swarm of bats filtered through the open window and Zero blinked as they reassembled into someone he thought looked familiar.

"Lord Lucifer," Enma stood up and greeted. "I’m honoured to be here today."

The Demon Lord wasn’t wearing the bandage around his eyes and Zero nodded in approval when Lucifer showed no signs of discomfort with his new eyes. They interlocked gazes for a brief moment and the Demon Lord gave the young doctor a nod in his direction before taking a seat. The room fell quiet with the host’s arrival.

"I believe we’re gathered for the same reason today and in favour of time, I shall forego the formalities. Let’s get down to business, shall we?"

Nobody objected so Lucifer addressed the pressing issue immediately. "I’m sure everyone has heard about the change of initial plans regarding Kerberos and Schaf’s sentences for the trial later. Zero informed me that he has yet another update, shall we hear it from the young lad himself?"

All eyes were upon the apprentice at once. Although it didn’t come as a surprise, the young doctor was slightly unprepared for the sudden attention dumped on him. He stood up clumsily, knocking into the arm of the chair before composing himself for his speech. He rehearsed it in his head with Mii and Bob on the way over, there wasn’t a need to be so nervous. Sadly, logic didn’t work too well under the pressure of so many expecting eyes.

"I apologise for my selfishness regarding this matter. The Demon Lords of Hell should have the right to decide the punishment befitting for their traitor and it isn’t appropriate nor right for me to be interfering with the matter. Regardless of my personal beliefs, I have no good reason to plead for Schaf’s life. However, I will still do it because I am a doctor. Every life is precious and if there is someone to guide the lost back onto the right path in life, I will take any measures necessary in order for that to happen."

Baal relaxed and kicked his legs up on the coffee table with a smug smirk on his face. Zero gained some confidence from that small action and looked right into Lucifer’s eyes. The Demon Lord was tempted to pull his gaze away, remembering his promise with Zero. He didn’t want to ’read’ if Zero was lying but there was no real need to. Zero was blazing with sincerity and it was as clear as day.

"I will take full responsibility for Schaf after he has been exiled from the abyss. I understand that you have the public to appease and this is what I propose: Allow any demon who wish to have their sins written off and be given a new life three days to find me at Baal’s castle. For three days, the gates will not close. I shall do for them what I will do for Schaf and erase all their sins by eating it with my ability."

"Schaf may not agree to it," Enma pointed out but Zero was ready for it.

"He has to either way. If he doesn’t agree to this ’punishment’ then he would be stripped off all his rank and possession to be sold as a slave. I believe Lord Mammon has prepared a loan for me to buy him off the auction house immediately after the handover to the trader."

Baal coughed lightly with an impressed look. Coux caught it and smiled at him. The Demon Lord turned away quickly, embarrassed to be seen acting so unguarded around her. Hades had mixed feelings about Zero’s proposal. While it was something that would save Schaf’s life, he didn’t quite enjoy how crafty Zero has become. Surely this has to do with the influence of the Demon Lord he was living with.

Enma weighed the options carefully. Between getting sold as a slave and having to choose a new life, Schaf might choose the former. Zero really thought this through and it sounded like a better plan than the previous one. Seriously, how much has his friend grown over the last half year? Time really flew too quickly. In another half year, Zero would be spinning magic and hurling spells. In another year or so, En would have to bid Zero goodbye for his long journey ahead while he spent yet another year passing judgements to the souls that have passed.

"It’s a great idea. However, as it isn’t a common form of punishment, at least three figures of power in the abyss must support it according to the old law. I have Mammon’s agreement written here. Presently, there are two Demon Lords in the room who will be attending the trial. Can I confirm that both of you shall support this new form of punishment for the traitor Schaf?"

Baal lazily waved his hand and agreed. There wasn’t much to consider. Zero was able to come up with something that could please everyone including himself. If anything, the Demon Lord thought that his friend outdid himself this round.

Lucifer didn’t agree to it immediately and Zero had a bad feeling about it when the old demon smiled slyly at him.

"What if I say, I don’t agree with it and would still prefer for Schaf to die?"

Zero bristled at that comment but composed himself quickly. That was merely a question to test Zero’s resolve and maturity. The young doctor knew from the memories of the four divine fragments that life would never be a bed of roses. He also knew who would act as the obstacles in the path of other people’s success. Needless to say, these people were not very well liked. Zero is wondering if Lucifer belonged in that category.

"Why wouldn’t you agree to it?"

The Academy Dean smiled and the twinkle in his now healed eyes told Zero that there was some ulterior motive. After looking at it from another angle, Zero finally understood.

"I didn’t lose the bet. If you want me to attend your school you’ll have to agree to help pass this new judgement."


"Not so fast," Zero added, much to Lucifer’s dismay. "I won’t stay in your school for long. I need to return for my training, I’m far behind as it is. I will only attend your school after I’ve taken care of some administrative matters."

"How long would that take?" the Demon Lord asked.

"A few days... It’s not a regular exchange program, is it? I heard that Baal is attending as a guest lecturer. Surely, this isn’t for the sake of enriching your students’ knowledge. I demand to know the details of whatever you have in mind and if I detect a lie or any information left out, I have the right to attend school and decline to assist you."

Lucifer scowled. For a youngling, Zero had a lot of guts. Then again, birds of the same feathers tend to flock together. The school dean didn’t have doubts about it. For Baal to be so close to Zero, the young doctor must be a real piece of work too. If it weren’t for Zero’s unique abilities, he wouldn’t have been so forgiving for the disrespect shown.

"Deal," he forced the words out and Zero beamed before turning around to show Baal and thumbs-up. Ruth watched uneasily at the relaxed exchange before his very eyes. Everyone knew about Lucifer’s pet peeve and he had to wonder how Zero survived this long being this ignorant and stepping on the toes of so many powerful figures.

Enma was enjoying the show. There was hardly anything Lucifer could do to Zero even if he did. Lucifer was no fool. Zero was infinitely powerful despite his attitude and ignorance. He glanced at the watch and noticed how it was almost time for the proceedings.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we should ready ourselves. The session starts in about half an hour from now. I believe the defendants are waiting. Zero, Hua Tuo will be representing you so if you have anything to tell any of us, use the party call. Understood?"

Zero nodded at King Yama and gave him a hug before the judge left Baal, Lucifer and Buddha who will act as a neutral party to witness the special trial. Ruth and Coux couldn’t accompany them and Zero was escorted by his teacher who seemed slightly jittery.

"Are you nervous?"

Hua Tuo sighed. Truth be told, it wasn’t the trial that he was nervous about. It was the news about the village. Zenobia and Grandma Moppo had discussed it over with everyone in the village. They’ve come up with an ultimatum. The physician didn’t know how Zero would react to it but it wasn’t his decision to make. Seeing how much Zero has matured, it might be a good thing it happened to. If done right, Zero would not only gain powerful and loyal allies, he would gain his very first base of operations. Not to mention, with a powerful guardian like Kerberos on Endow Hill, Half Moon village would be the safest place to be in the country.

"No, I’m not nervous. Let’s get going. Remember to carry yourself with dignity, the public will be watching. Also, wear this bracelet. It’s from Merlin."

Zero stared at the trinket. It looked fragile in the light. For one, the bracelet was made of a glass-like material and the apprentice feared it might be destroyed due to his carelessness. Hua Tuo noticed the distress and smiled.

"It’s made to be durable. That bracelet suppresses your magical aura. You should be able to blend in easily. I’m assuming Lord Lucifer has some rather troublesome matters at the Academy which might require you to keep a low profile."

Zero made a face. He didn’t really like Lucifer. He was a difficult patient and a cranky old demon who didn’t know how to have fun. Zero knew what manners were but there had to be a limit to it! Lucifer was too full of ’social standards’ that Zero didn’t care for. After listening to Baal’s stories with some of Mammon and Lilith’s input, he can now confirm them to be true. Still, it wasn’t as if Lucifer was a terrible person. Disagreeable, yes. Not terrible. That was a Count Carrabas thing.

As they approached the auditorium, Zero could hear the chants of the crowd outside it. The building might be huge but the crowd was bigger. Not everybody who attended could enter the building so light magic stones were used to provide real-time feedback about the proceedings in the building. Zero felt strangely nervous. He looked really big on the light reflection and that made him feel more self-conscious.

Oh, how he wished he spent more time combing his hair before he came!

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