Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: The hitman’s little koi 18 (part 1 of 3)

As it just happens, the system had completely given up on the task of letting Chen Tong maintain aloofness, and was already formulating a proper penalty content for a task failure. But at this moment, the little koi had unexpectedly implemented an actual aloof temperament. Not only did this take F aback, but this also gave a different feeling of dazzling touch when falling in Pei Lie’s eyes. So much so that it even caused him to have an uncontrollable reaction below. His undulating chest was full of both rapid and repressed breath.

At the end of the day, he was the one who moved his fist first, and the other side’s face was also swollen from the beatings. Seeing Pei Lie silently stand there, made the little koi vaguely feel a bit of guilty conscience. F, on the other hand, got up while rubbing his cheekbones that were turning green from the beatings and said: “Pei, where on earth did this kid of yours actually come from? He’s too terrible, alright. He’ll resort to violence with just a brief word of disagreement. He’s simply too violent in addition to being a militant. But this force value of his really makes me……”

The word ‘admire’ had not been said as it was cut off by the somewhat anxious little koi, “That’s not true at all!” he couldn’t help but run to Pei Lie and say, “He was the first……”

However, he stopped and didn’t finish saying his words.

Because Pei Lie actually took a step back the moment the little koi approached him, and avoided his touch.

This undisputedly indicates rejection and disgust when falling into the eyes of the little koi, who immediately looked on blankly. Feeling that the other side had actually believed that disagreeable F and also felt disinclined to listen to his explanation. An unspeakable feeling welled in his heart. Mixed together with disappointment, sadness and other strange feelings. Which actually caused the spiritual energy inside his body to be somewhat chaotic.

In reality, Pei Lie didn’t even have any idea of what F had said.

All his attention was focused on calming down the continuous surge of lust on the lower part of his body. He had inexplicably been aroused just because of the little haughty expression of the youth. This really made the great hitman, who flaunts of having excellent self-restraint feel a bit embarrassed. But since he was worried of scaring or disgusting the little koi away, so, he immediately tried to suppress it.

But this kind of emotional feeling can’t be controlled by will at all. Pei Lie had just managed to strenuously push it back a bit. But it had immediately surged up again because of the little koi’s approach. This was the reason why he subconsciously moved back. But the little koi, who had already been upset turned around and ran out the main door.

Pei Lie didn’t manage to react until he had ran out the entrance. His heart immediately fell with a thud. Thinking that the youth had truly been scared away by him, as he hurriedly chased after him with a nervous look on his face.

Even if the running stance of the little koi was similar to a child, and seemed to be slightly stumbling along, but the speed was definitely not slow. In a blink of an eye, he had already left the hotel and reached the street. A real child, who was was on the other side of the street, was looking up at the air-borne balloon being constantly blown forward by the wind. Waving the pair of tiny hands as he tried to catch it.

The child appears to be only about two years old. The running movements was even more unstable than the little koi. But the pair of short legs soon followed the balloon into the path of motor vehicles. But the mother of the child, who was still chatting with another person, didn’t notice her child’s situation at all.

This time is the peak of the morning rush hour. A lot of people were driving to the city center for work. In the next moment, a car hurtled pass just half a meter away from the child’s body. The situation was already somewhat hair-rising, but the child still ran after the balloon with his short legs, without a bit of awareness. The little koi didn’t waste any time, as he dragged his faintly painful feet and rushed over with the quickest speed, then pulled the child into his arms afterwards.

The timing of the little koi in rushing over can be considered to be truly impeccable.

As soon as he grab a hold of the child, a Ford quickly rushed pass at the same time. The child as a result remained unharmed, but the Ford had ultimately grazed the leg of the little koi. Who later stumble down on the ground. The child, who had been standing unsteadily fell down on his buttocks as well, and cried in a loud voice.

The mother of the child immediately panicked after she heard the child’s cry, and hurriedly turn to look. Then hastily ran over towards her child at once.

But another person was faster than her.

Just as Pei Lie had chased after the little koi out of the hotel, he immediately spotted him rushing in the traffic lane. His breath immediately stagnated, he was so scared that his heart missed out a few beats. Limited by the distance, even if he already utilized his quickest speed, he had still been a step late. The moment he saw the little koi being brought down by that car, instantly made his mind blank out. Feeling as if the whole world had come to a stand still. He regained his senses after two seconds, after which he quickly strode over and went in front the little koi.

As a matter of fact, nothing really alarming happened to the little koi. However, his pair of legs which were transformed from a fishtail were several times more tender than that of an ordinary person. That even a slight graze can leave a heavy mark. Pei Lie gently rolled up his pants despite his resistance, and saw a long red mark on his left leg that had been grazed, which looked very dreadful. A huge bruise on the right knee also appeared after his fall.

The child’s mother is a young Caucasian woman. Feeling very fortunate in addition to a lingering fear as she embraced her child while repeatedly expressing her gratitude to the little koi, as well as anxiously inquiring if he wanted to go to the hospital. In spite of that, Pei Lie calmly carried the little koi without uttering a single word, then turned around and left.

Chapter 104: The hitman’s little koi 18 (part 2 of 3)

The little koi, who was still upset with him immediately began to struggle, “Don’t touch me, let me down!”

Pei Lie never said a word. But the constantly tightening force on his arm exposed his unspoken anger. His breathing didn’t sound as stable as usual as well, which even made the little koi feel as if he had been frightened.

But it was still impossible for the great hitman to unleash his anger on the little koi, even when his emotions state were raging mad. At most, he would be as cold and silent as this moment.

Pei Lie finally brought him back to the hotel’s bedroom with overwhelming force. The little koi got onto the bed as soon as he went in the room, then covered his whole body with the quilt.

Pei Lie’s mood had already calmed down. He gently took a seat on the bedside, and tried to pull the quilt away. But the little koi firmly held onto the quilt from the inside, that the pull had actually been unable to make a difference. He also didn’t dare to pull too hard. He then softened his voice as much as possible to coax that small lump on the quilt: “Baby be good. Don’t hide away. Come out, alright?”

That little lump on the quilt shook his head unwillingly.

“Doesn’t your foot hurt? Can you let me apply medicine on it?”

The head continued to shake.

“Aside from your foot, is there any other uncomfortable areas?”

Shakes head twice.

“Do you feel dizzy? Did you bump your head when you fell down?”

Still shake the head.

“Tong Tong,” Pei Lie paused somewhat helplessly, “……do you really not want to talk with me anymore?”

The little koi didn’t shake his head this time, but hadn’t utter a sound either.

Pei Lie heaved a sigh, then stood up. The most important matter right now was to deal with the injury on the leg of the little koi after all, so he decided to get some medication first.

The medicine kit was still inside the car, so he hurriedly left the room, and ran to the parking area as quick as possible. The parking lot is an open space, located at the side of the hotel’s entrance, and was not too far off. Pei Lie had just taken out the medicine kit there, when he suddenly felt a drop of water hit the tip of his nose.

He looked up, and suddenly realized that it was actually raining.

The sky had obviously been sunny and cloudless just a while ago, but the rain started to fall in a blink of an eye. Pei Lie slightly faltered for a moment, as his chest instantly felt tight. In the next moment, he immediately broke into a run, and rushed into the room without a second thought. Feeling so panicked, that he even nearly forgot to take along the medicine kit.

After running back to the little koi’s side, he hurriedly gathered the youth along with the quilt into his arms, and spoke in an equally anxious tone of voice: “Tong Tong, Tong Tong, be good, don’t cry……”

The little koi was given a slight shock.

Pei Lie seemed to treat him similar to a fragile baby. The tone can even be considered to be especially gentle, as he continued to coax him with a bit of anxiousness: “Be good, ah. Stop crying alright?…… If you’re angry, you can hit me or bite me a few times, in order for you to vent your anger……”

Saying so, he immediately stretched his arm before the mouth of the little koi for him to bite. The little koi finally looked up, and started speaking with a slight nasal sound: “……I didn’t cry.”

In reality, he really did secretly shed tears, when he thought Pei Lie had left because he didn’t want him anymore. Combined with the leg injury and pain on his feet, the grievances in his heart continued to accumulate, that a tear suddenly fell, dripping past his cheek, and was nimbly absorbed by the owner’s collar in the end. Feeling embarrassed, he hurriedly wiped all the tear marks on his eyes and cheek clean.

Pei Lie who didn’t find any traces of tear on the youth’s face, felt a slight sense of relief and continued to say: “I just saw the rain falling outside a moment ago……”

The little koi, who didn’t have any memory, was completely unaware of the connection between the rain and his tears. But the rain last time still remained fresh in Pei Lie’s memory. Pei Lie didn’t explain much, but only placed a light kiss on the youth’s forehead, “Don’t cry Tong Tong.”

Because he will be distressed when he cries. No matter how formidable the walls in his heart is, it would still be unable to stand up against the tears of his beloved. Just a single tear can completely break it down.

“I won’t care about you,” The little koi sniffed, “Didn’t you hate me? Wouldn’t you rather believe the words of that mean person than listen to my explanation? So why bother about me!”

Mentioning this part, he couldn’t help but take a bite on the arm placed before him, but also couldn’t bear to use force. Just like a unweaned kitten grinding it’s teeth. Pei Lie, who had just faintly understood the reason why the little koi ran away, immediately berated himself inwardly. His eyes which were looking at the little koi couldn’t help become even gentler, as he sincerely asked for forgiveness: “I was wrong. Can Tong Tong forgive me?”

Truth be told, the temper of the little koi had already cooled down when Pei Lie had very anxiously coax him not to cry. But he still refused to release his bite. The great hitman continued to persist: “I love you so much, how would I be willing to hate you? Since I can’t stop caring about you, how about you keep me in check? I will listen to you from now on. I’ll do whatever you ask of me to do.”

The little koi finally loosened the hold of his tiny canine on the other’s arm, and arrogantly issued his order: “I don’t like that person. So, you aren’t allowed talk to him in the future without my permission!”

The great hitman looked at the pair of shallow crescent-shaped teeth marks on his arm, and felt that it was so lovely. He readily agreed with the other’s view and echoed in agreement: “Alright.”

The little koi didn’t forget to bring up all the unfinished vindication before: “He also said that I am unworthy of you. Claiming that I can’t do anything!”

“Oh,” The great hitman continued to go along his words: “So he really was the mean one, ah!”

“En!!” The little koi fervently nodded at once, so fervent that he almost twisted his neck.

Pei Lie couldn’t help raising the corner of his lips to expose a faint smile.

Chapter 104: The hitman’s little koi 18 (part 3 of 3)

But Pei Lie still wrinkled his brows as he applied the medicine on the little koi. The resiliency of the demon race were very strong, so, the little koi was already fine. But Pei Lie had still repeatedly emphasized the importance of paying attention to safety very seriously. He sternly ordered him to never be this reckless next time. The little koi looked at his furrowed brows, and took the initiative to drop a kiss on it.

The sky outside the window had also cleared up after the rain. Th sun shined once more. Shining diagonally into the bed through the window, and casting light upon half of the youth’s body. Even if he looked somewhat pale, but by the sun’s bright rays, he seemed to have a brilliant luster instead. Pei Lie couldn’t help but feel as if he’s throat had dried up. The lust that had been suppressed before, started to stir once more. So, he took a deep breath then said: “Be good, go and take a nap, okay. We’ll be leaving tonight, so you might not be able to sleep at night.”

The little koi trusted him so much that he didn’t inquire about their intended destination, he also didn’t ask why he won’t sleep. But only reached out and pulled his hand like a child and said: “Then you should also sleep with me for a while.”

So, Pei Lie took off his shoes and clothes he wore then climbed on to the bed. The little koi climbed on top his body like a huge caterpillar. Then finally settled his head on his chest, and wrapped his arm around his waist, then closed his eyes in tranquility.

Pei Lie kept looking at the face of the little koi, until his breath evened out in his sleep. Looking at him this close, the bottom of his heart couldn’t help but melt. He was placed at the softest area in the bottom of his heart. The only soft place and clean corner in his entire body.

Pei Lie still had quite a lot of things he needed to do. So, he got out of bed after waiting for the little koi to fall into a deep sleep. The little koi slept for a full hour before waking up. After waking up, he unexpectedly volunteered to go into the kitchen to cook food.

In the beginning, Pei Lie, who still remembered that the little guy would always become spirited once he sees food, planned to make some delicious food to make up with him. But the little koi had unexpectedly insisted to make the food by himself, and didn’t allow his interference at all.

He intended to learn the fish ball noodle soup as well as the broccoli with pork made by Pei Lie. But the broccoli wasn’t available, and only onions were left. The stir-fried broccoli with pork was then converted to onion with pork. As he once again reviewed the entire sequence conscientiously, he then decided to make the noodles first.

But it didn’t take long before the little koi was staring at that ball of flour with a frown. He didn’t understand why Pei Lie could instantly make noodles with just a pat and knead when he was watching. Yet, he, who had been working at it for a long time, still couldn’t even manage to make a dough.

Truth be told, he had already mastered the cooking skill as early as in the little peach blossom world. It’s a pity, that all of it has been forgotten now. In the end, the noodles wasn’t made, only a pile of dough dumplings. Only because he couldn’t accept that statement of “You know nothing” said by F, that he decided to cook on a whim. After a moment of hesitation, he then cheerfully decided to make the fish ball noddle soup to a fish ball with dough dumpling soup. Tossing all the dough dumplings into the boiling pot. He then took advantage of the gap needed for it to boil to cut the onions and meat as quick as possible.

F had silently left early in the morning. As a friend, he could only advise up to a certain point, and was also unable to say any mean words to the little koi once anymore. But just left some words on the paper bag, hoping that they would take care of themselves. The bag contained the three identification document that Pei Lie asked F to bring. This was also the specific reason of why Pei Lie had rushed over to San Francisco. Prior to leaving Philadelphia, Pei Lie had used a secret code to get in touch with two people. One of which was Jones, while the other person was F. These three identities were all innocent white-collar workers in San Francisco. More importantly, they were not those that Pei Lie would normally use. Furthermore, these were the backups made by Jones long before, so the organization may not be able to find it for a short while.

Pei Lie also knew the urgency and danger of the situation. So, he hacked into the airline with a computer, and borrowed the new identity Jones gave him to immediately book a flight to leave for America tonight.

Pei Lie, who had finished packing the things came over and saw this scene. The youth appeared decent* as he stood there and prepared to chop the vegetables. His serious appearance was so beautiful, and looks just like an oil painting.

*Used as a praise only for something still being developed, not professional.

But the reality wasn’t as beautiful as a painting. On one side, the little koi almost cut his fingers twice while slicing the vegetables. On the other side, the water used to boil the noodles should also be lesser, and sure enough, a mushy smell soon spread. He even rubbed his eyes with the hand that handled the onion.

The consequence could be imagined.

The little koi, whose eyes were irritated by the onion kept shedding tears, finally gave up on cooking. Then went up to look for Pei Lie whilst feeling sad and depressed. The finicky little koi who originally didn’t know how to explain his own grievous nature, immediately said to Pei Lie: “I don’t want to cook anymore. My eyes hurt so much, wu wu wu……”

Pei Lie, who had actually expected this result at a much earlier time, remained very calm, as he wiped his tears away and gave it a gentle blow. He also hugged and coaxed him for quite some time. Before finally placing a kiss on his dainty face. He then rolled up his sleeves and went to deal with the aftermath.

The great hitman was truly capable. In a short time, a dish that made the mouth of the little koi water was quickly served. The little koi ate very happily, but Pei Lie slightly felt an inexplicable sense of anxiety, which continued to indistinctly spread. As a result of his absent-mindedness, a green pepper had ultimately been eaten, making him choke, that he even coughed repeatedly.

The little koi hurriedly gave him a cup of water. He even patted him in the back after handing it over and asked: “Do you feel a bit better now?”

Although the area he patted wasn’t correct. But the deep concern shown by his actions and that pair of large blinking eyes were very obvious, and was just like a lovely little wife. Making Pei Lie’s originally anxious mind calm down.

The scheduled flight departs at 10 o’clock in the evening. Pei Lie reached the airport at exactly 8 o’clock with the little koi. Everything was going very smoothly, from getting the tickets to the security check. But a mishap occurred when he went to the rest room with the little koi. — He unexpectedly lost sight of his figure in a single turn.

“Have you seen the youth who just went in a moment ago?!”

A man, who had just washed his hands and was about to leave was given a fright by Pei Lie, and quickly shook his head. Pei Lie took a deep breath. Holding on to a trace of luck, as he thought of going through all the cubicles. But the mobile phone he had with him suddenly rang at this moment.

The unfamiliar number being shown on the screen made Pei Lie’s vague premonition grow more heavy at once, but he still quickly pressed the answer button.

No one spoke at the other end. Only a stretch of emptiness and silence that made him feel suffocated. Even this blank stretch appeared somewhat intermittent, just like having a bad signal.

Pei Lie tried his best to suppress his uneasiness and continue to listen, a cry suddenly sounded from the receiver.

It was the voice of the little koi.

What’s more, that cry was clearly a cry of pain.

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