Dark Blood Age

Chapter 618

Chapter 618

Translator: Doggotranslation Editor: Doggotranslation

Lu Guolong panicked. He didn’t know Chu Yunsheng, nor did he know why Chu Yunsheng wanted him to get in the car. Like the rest of the people, he also mistakenly thought that he had broken some law that he did not know. And when he heard the officer asking him for his immediate family members, it made him feel like the officer was going to execute him.

Anxiously, he knelt before Chu Yunsheng and begged, “officer, you must have got the wrong guy, I did not do anything bad. I really haven’t done anything bad. All I did was to accuse old Li and Granary Master Wang of stealing our country’s food, but that was just a joke. Please don’t take it seriously. I will apologize to them. I will kowtow to them.”

Chu Yunsheng didn’t expect that he would be such a coward. But then again, when he tried to raid the granary with other people outside the pseudo-monolith, this man also surrendered himself without even attempting to resist. After a short daze, he immediately said sharply, “who said that you have done something wrong? Get up! Remember, from now on, you are Chu Yunsheng’s man, and my man will never kneel before other people! ”

Lu Guolong apparently did not hear what Chu Yunsheng said. While in a state of panic, he suddenly saw the deputy village chief appearing in the crowd, so he immediately shouted to him as if he could save his life, “Chief Sun! Chief Sun! Please help me to explain to the officer. I really have not done any bad things!”

Originally, Chief Sun just wanted to come and see what happened. In the current tense situation, he did not dare to vouch for Lu Guolong at all, but he still did not expect that he would be spotted by Lu Guolong immediately. Helplessly, he could only step out. Although he did not plan to vouch for Lu Guolong, as the deputy village chief, he still needed to find out what was going on. Otherwise, people would use this against him in the future.

Moreover, the nosy people in the crowd have already created a path for him, so he also had no other choice but to walk forward and said in a flattering tone, “hello, Comrade, I am the deputy village chief of Mawei Village. Lu Guolong is a villager in our village. Could you tell me what mistake he made? Is it possible that it is a misunderstanding?”

Seeing that it was a local official, Chu Yunsheng also didn’t plan to take people away by force. He simply took out the document that the people in Shanghai gave him, passed it to the local official, and said, “he did not do anything wrong. On behalf of the first regiment of the ninth armored division, I am conscripting Lu Guolong into the army. He is required to report to Nanjing immediately. The rest is a military secret. Any other questions?”

Hearing that it was some kind of armored division, and it was a military secret, Chief Sun did not dare to look at the document at all. He immediately nodded his head obediently and said, “We will cooperate fully, cooperate fully!”

Lu Guolong also could not believe what he had heard. He did not even graduate from secondary school, why would an armored division want to enlist him?

“You, follow me first. If you have other relatives in the family, you can let them go to Nanjing by themselves. I will send someone to help them once they get to the city. Okay, that’s enough talk. We need to go now.” As soon as he finished, he turned around and walked back to the military vehicle.

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng did not intend to take revenge for Lu Guolong, Biao Zi and his mother were secretly relieved, but fearing that Lu Guolong would hate them in the future, they quickly approached Lu Guolong and wanted to apologize to him.

However, how on earth would Lu Guolong care about their apology now? After hearing that he was recruited by the military, his mind was filled with joy and excitement. However, just when he told the skinny that he needed to go home to pack up his stuff, he was stopped by the skinny man, “pack up my ass! What do you have that the military does not have?”

Luo Guolong thought for a second and realized that the skinny man was right. After all, there weren’t many things at his house.

But when he just headed toward the car, a woman suddenly ran out of the crowd and shouted to him, “Lu Guolong, didn’t you say you want to marry me this morning?”

Lu Guolong was tempted, but then he suddenly thought that, in the military vehicle, the military officer, whose name was Chu Yunsheng, was probably staring at him coldly. Thinking of this, he could not help but shiver, and then quickly speeded up and ran toward the military vehicle.

Chu Yunsheng waited for him to sit down and then immediately started the car. But when they drove past the skinny man, what Lu Guolong did next almost made him puke blood. As if Lu Guolong suddenly remembered something, he reached his head outside the car’s window and shouted to the skinny man, “Lao San, please help me to feed my pigs!”


Chu Yunsheng didn’t get any grain from the granary he wanted to go to. Because he was late. When he came here, he found that many trucks had already started to transport grains from that grain.

Unlike the past, the government was now taking actions in advance, and there was a lot of manpower and material resources that could be used to transport grain from various Grain Depots. In fact, it was also a part of his own fault. Because it was him, who got the military involved.

Anway, Song Ying, and Yu Xiaohai had already gathered some grains in Shanghai, so the food problem was not that big. It was just that he could not store food for himself.

Along the way, Lu Guolong was very quiet. He didn’t know what to say to Chu Yunsheng, and he was also afraid that if he said something wrong, he would be sent back to his village again.

Chu Yunsheng also did not have any topic that he could talk about, so he simply said, “for the time being, I will arrange for you to stay in the militia regiment of the military area command. Once we all get to Shanghai, I will transfer you to another department. But there is one thing you have to understand. That is, from now on, you will only take direct orders from me and will not accept orders from anyone else. Do you understand?”

“Yes, yes, I understand, what do I need to do specifically?” Lu Guolong nodded quickly. Actually, he didn’t understand any military arrangement. Instead of telling him where he was going, it was much better to tell him what he needed to do. That was why he asked this question.

Chu Yunsheng thought for a while and said, “I’m going to tell you something, you must remember it. Once we get to the hotel, where I am currently staying, apart from sleep and eat, you need to spend all your time practicing it. If you are not qualified, then I’ll have to send you back!”

Then, Chu Yunsheng told him a little about the earth elemental energy cultivation method that he had arranged in the past. He didn’t tell him much because he was worried that Luo Guolong wouldn’t be able to remember it all. What he told him was just the most basic entry-level practice, which was more than enough for him.

However, he didn’t expect that at first, Lu Guolong was listening carefully, but later on, he whispered nervously, “officer, what is this practice? It’s not a cult, is it? The government has repeatedly said that we shouldn’t...”

Chu Yunsheng glared at him, and said angrily, “did you forget what I said earlier! Just forget about the government. I’m the government. Once you get to the hotel, you will know!”

Lu Guolong didn’t dare to ask anymore, but he was still very anxious.


When they got back to the hotel it was already past eight o’clock in the evening, and the communication with Shanghai had just been resumed.

From now until the final disappearance of the Sun, this period would be the last period in the age of light for the human race.

When the communication was resumed, Chu YunSheng also got new messages from Shanghai. Song Zihuai hoped that he would return to Shanghai immediately tonight. Many things needed him to confirm personally. Professor Sun also made an urgent phone call from the laboratory. He said that they had discovered a major problem in the research of the dead “meatball”, and he also hoped that Chu Yunsheng could return as soon as possible.

But Chu Yunsheng didn’t want to go back so quickly for the time being. He wanted to wait until they completely entered the dark age and then go to the place where they once discovered the real monolith and see if he could discover something else.

According to his current speculation, in the world of Pseudo-Monolith, there might be a real monolith, and according to his own memory, the real monolith would most likely appear again in the underground of Nanjing City!

So he only answered Song Zihuai’s question over the phone, and then before he hung up the phone, he asked Song Zihuai to broadcast a short message that Shanghai would be safe everywhere around the world.

He disagreed with certain current military and government policies that too many people would be a burden. People were the foundation of their strength. The more people they had, the more awakeners they would have, and then the more powerful their combat force would be. The food problem could be solved later, as long as the food they had gathered in the past twenty days, could help them to get through the initial food shortages period.

Professor Sun’s problem was a little simpler. Since it was the field he was familiar with. He just needed to tell him some information over the phone, and it would be more than enough to make them busy for a while.

After arranging the accommodation for Lu Guolong, Chu Yunsheng took some time to contact Yu Xiaohai several times. Then he learned that the task that was assigned to him was not going very smoothly. Because telecommunication was not available when the darkness fell, they had to split into many small groups to speed up the search after a short discussion. However, they still couldn’t even find one-tenth of the people on the list.

However, Chu YunSheng couldn’t give them any additional help at the moment. After all, almost every task needed more people now. Fang Baixiao couldn’t send more troops. There was only one regiment he could use, but there weren’t that many soldiers in the armored regiment, to begin with. Plus it was also necessary to build a camp to settle the linguistic experts. The battalion he gave Yu Xiaohai was all he had left.

But for Yu Xiaohai, even though it was a battalion, it was still too big for him to handle. Therefore, split into many smaller groups was also a good idea.

After finishing arranging all the necessary matters, it was already 12 o’clock in the night. Soon, it would be complete darkness. Although Chu Yunsheng was very sleepy, he didn’t dare to sleep. Fearing that there might be some unexpected accident, he couldn’t even stay in the room. He just sat in the hotel’s external communication center waiting for that moment to come!

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