Number One Zombie Wife

Chapter 177: It is really difficult to get the title.

Chapter 177: It is really difficult to get the title.

Zhan Bei Tian did not ask what had happened and quickly got on the car that had come before and left The Shen’s Family camp.

Mu Yi Fan was sent back to the Mu’s Tower by Sun Zi Hao. On the way, Mu Yi Fan asked, "What happened to Bei Tian\'s father?"

Sun Zi Hao hesitated to laugh before he said, "I heard from the Zhan Family soldier that the Mu related man injured Boss\'s father, and you have to go back and ask about the details."

Mu Yi Fan\'s heart sank instantly.

Last night, I was worried about the two families. Today, this happened. I don\'t know how Bei Tian\'s father was hurt.


He managed to make a good impression in front of Zhan Guo Xiong. Now it\'s a failure. Don\'t think about going to the Zhan Family again.

Mu Yi Fan returned to Mu\'s Mansion.

Although the atmosphere in the building was not as peaceful as before, there was no tension and agitation. Obviously, like Zhan Bei Tian, his father did most of the work with the people in the team and made some rules and treaties to bind the people in the building.

Mu Yi Fan walked into the elevator and pressed the button on the 80th floor.

As the elevator went up, his thoughts flowed a hundred and eighty thousand miles away, and he didn\'t know what he was thinking.

In the elevator parked on the 80th floor, with the eyes must be fixed, like making a decision, Mu Yi Fan steadily marched towards Mu Yue Cheng\'s office.

Before he reached for the door, he heard the man inside explain slightly eagerly: "I didn\'t hurt him at all."

This is Mu Yi Fan\'s uncle Mu Yue Bin\'s voice.

"Whether or not my eldest brother injured Zhan Lei Gang, as long as the Zhan Family\'s people were injured, it is a breath of relief for my son." Zhao Yi Xuan said.

Mu Yue Bin looked at Zhao Yi Xuan with an unhappy face. "Zhao Yi Xuan, you clearly mean that I wounded Zheng Lei Gang. Do you think I\'m afraid that the Zhan Family\'s people will come to the door to settle accounts and I dare not recognize this matter?"

Zhao Yi Xuan quickly explained, "Brother, you misunderstood me. How could I possibly think so?"

Mu Yue Bin didn\'t want to quarrel with a woman and snorted and spoke no more.

Mu Yi Fan went into the office without asking what had happened. He said in a solemn voice, "Dad, it\'s getting hotter and hotter now. You\'d better tell the water system powered people to store a lot of water in the building. The weather in the future is likely to be over fifty degrees."

When the audience heard this, they took a deep breath and said, "Fifty degrees or more?"

That’s so hot!

Zhao Yi Xuan did not believe: "Now it is almost September, the weather will only turn cold, how can it be hot again?"

Mu Yue Cheng glanced at Zhao Yi Xuan and asked, "Yi Fan, who did you hear about this from?"

In fact, he also felt that the weather was not right and had the idea of storing water for a long time.

"Naturally, I have my sources of information, Dad. Now you\'re going to have people immediately set up water. The more the better, the better. There\'s no harm in setting up water storage."

Mu Yue Cheng agrees, and feels that storing water is the same as keeping soldiers, so without saying a word, he picked up his walkie-talkie and sent his command.

Mu Yi Fan took advantage of Mu Yue Cheng\'s giving orders and turned to Fourth Uncle and said, "Fourth Uncle, Second Uncle, Third Uncle, when you go out of town to find supplies, and by the way, find firewood and black charcoal to come back with. The more the better, the hotter the weather is now, in cold weather, the weather is likely to become very cold, we have to be wary of it. Prepare for it, and make a heating system in the building."

The four elders nodded.

Now it\'s the end of the world. The B City can no longer provide heat for the people like it used to. This is where people have to solve this problem by themselves.

Mu Yi Fan, after Mu Yue Cheng finished giving orders, said, "Dad, now that the whole B City is preaching that the powered people can absorb the cores of other powered people, there is a certain chance that it will become a rumor of possibility of binary powers..."

At this point, the hearts of the mighty men present are heavy.

"Causing the panic of all B City\'s powers, everyone will be in danger, the whole B City would end up to be in a paralyzed system, sooner or later there will be major problems, so I suggest that Dad, in your name, convene a large meeting of B City camp managers to develop a new legal system to restrict all the powers hungry people."

After the end of the world, the laws of the past had no effect on the people of the end of the world. Only by re-enacting new laws can the people of B City be effectively restrained.

Mu Yue Cheng felt that his son today was somewhat different, so he thought about his words carefully. He thought that doing so would not only benefit himself and everyone, but also help him build more threats in B City.

Others agreed with Mu Yi Fan.

"Before, I thought that after Yi Fan came to B City, besides running out all day, he didn\'t like to do the work, and he didn\'t care what was going on in the team to help his dad, so that his dad was busy alone. Now it seems that Second Uncle misunderstood you." Mu Yue Xuan said with a smile.

"Yi Fan has just arrived in B City. Many people on the team don\'t know him. We haven\'t assigned him a team. Of course, he has nothing to do." Mu Yue Fang laughed.

Mu Yue Zhi also said aloud: "I think it\'s time for Third Brother to assign some work to Yi Fan. Otherwise, everyone in the team would think that Yi Fan is a freeloader."

Zhao Yi Xuan\'s face became uglier as she listened. It was obvious that she wanted Mu Yi Fan to accept what Mu Yue Chen was doing, and her heart began to feel anxious again.

Especially if her son is still in bed now, does it not give Mu Yi Fan more opportunities to perform and become known?

Mu Yue Cheng sneered: "Who dares to say that my son is a freeloader meal? Yi Fan, Tomorrow you will come with me to the camp and pick out some people. You will be in charge of them and other things in the team. Do you know want me to help you manage them?"

He had wanted to do this for a long time, but he thought about his eldest son\'s body, so he dragged on until his son made a big noise before handing over the matter to him.

However, it now seems that his eldest son intends to take over the matter in his hands today.

Mu Yi Fan did have this idea.

So, when he was in the elevator just now, he thought about a lot of things.

He thought that since he had decided to stay in this world, he should no longer be idle as before. It was time to take over some of the soldiers under Mu Yue Cheng and use them for himself.

Only by slowly intervening in the ranks of Mu and grasping the rights of the ranks, can he slowly resolve the resentment between the two families, and only in this way can he really get Zhan Guo Xiong\'s recognition of him.

"I know, starting tomorrow, I\'ll go to the soldiers’ camp with you, Dad."

As Mu Yi Fan said this, he looked at Zhao Yi Xuan, whose face was hard to see and could no longer be ugly, and she smiled, "I won\'t let you down."

The smile in Zhao Yi Xuan\'s eyes was very dazzling, just like a demonstration.

Mu Yue Zhi laughed and said, "Yi Fan was a Special Forces soldier and must be able to manage the people under Third Brother very well."

Mu Yi Fan turned to Mu Yue Bin after being recognized by everyone. "Uncle, I want to ask you what happened to Zheng Lei Gang, the eldest son of Old Zhan Military Commission."

When Mu Yue Bin mentioned this again, his eyebrows tightened again: "You have been to B City for so many days, you should know that our relationship with the Mu Family and The Zhan Family has reached a point of incompatibility. Just this morning, when I led the team back from the outside, I happened to meet the team that we fought with Lei Gang."

Speaking of this, he was depressed: "At that time, I didn\'t know who was fighting who in the first place. There was a sudden fight at the back of the team. Then, the more violent the fight, the more I fought with Lei Gang. You also know that Zhan Lei Gang is a soldier, and his ability must be above me. At that time, even using my ability to block Zhan Lei Gang was very hard, let alone using the ability to attack Zhan Lei Gang.”

"Then, Lei Gang was hit by something, he fell to the ground with a scream and was bleeding, which seemed very serious. When the Zhan Family team saw their captain fall down, they stopped their work, left a hard word for revenge, and took someone away."

Mu Yue Bin was somewhat helpless: "Now everyone thinks that I wounded Zheng Lei Gang, but I really did nothing, and was bizarrely buckled with a big hat. I\'m not afraid they\'ll come to me to settle the accounts, but I feel that I\'m in a bad mood because I\'ve been guilty of someone else for some reason.

[1] Buckled with a big hat=when you are praised for something you didn’t do.

Mu Yi Fan\'s eyes narrowed. "Does uncle think that someone has just made a black hand against Lei Gang in secret and wants to lay blame on us the Mu Family? Right?" [1] Black hand =scheme.

If that\'s the case, who wants for The Zhan’s and The Mu’s to be at odds?

Mu Yue Bin clapped his hands, thinking that Mu Yi Fan had said the key point: "Yes, that\'s what I think. There may be some people who want to make a discord between our two families. Of course, it doesn\'t rule out the possibility that the people in our team want to us to fight against Lei Gang."

Mu Yue Cheng\'s eyes poured.

They are now at odds with The Zhan Family, but it\'s their business. They can\'t be allowed to be blamed on the Mu Family for wounding Lei Gang.

Mu Yi Fan nodded: "I see."

He looked at Mu Yue Cheng and said, "Dad, I want you to leave the Zhan Family issue to me. How about that?"

"You?" Mu Yue Cheng thought about it and thought that maybe someone else would solve the problem. Maybe there would be different results: "Okay, I\'ll leave it to you."

Zhao Yi Xuan opened her mouth to say what she wanted to say, but swallowed up what she wanted to say in order to think of what her son had reminded her before.

Mu Yi Fan looked at Zhao Yi Xuan: "Dad, if nothing happens, I\'ll go down and see Grandpa."

"Go ahead."

Mu Yi Fan went down to the 79th floor. Liu Ling Hong told Mu Xiao Hu that he was sleeping, but he decided to go in and see him.

He went into the room, closed the door, and whispered, "Grandpa, here I am."

Mu Yi Fan just wanted to express his intention to see Mu Xiao Hu, but did not want to wake Mu Xiao Hu up.

Unexpectedly, just after sitting, the man lying in bed suddenly opened his eyes, pulled out the pillow under his head in a very sharp motion, and threw it at Mu Yi Fan.

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