Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 405

This surprised him because, since his space travel, it was the first time he had encountered such a situation!

How is this happening?!

But this was not a good time to consider the problem because the enemy’s attack had caused great damage to the adventure park “Dragon and Dungeons.” If not saved as soon as possible, not only will the entire underground maze collapse, even Void City on the ground will collapse with it, turning to ruin.

He would never allow this!

Therefore, he didn’t think about it at all. He roared, turning into a giant beast almost as big as half of the underground maze. Then he used his body to hold the crumbling dome, which seemed ready to crumble at any time. His tentacles held up the entire maze with Void City above, just like giant pillars.

How heavy was a city?

Probably no one would be so bored to try to figure this out. Anyway, Sui Xiong didn’t know the answer.

However, there was no doubt that it would be very heavy!

If he weren’t strong enough, Sui Xiong would be seeking for death. And even if he was so strong, extremely strong, and incredibly strong that even the Gods felt surprised, that would make him see stars and nearly fall down.

If his real body were here, he could try to absorb the negative energy in the underground of the Ashes Woods directly to refuel himself. However, his body was “incubating eggs” in the “shelter room” of his God’s Kingdom. He was trying to revive the God of Healing using the Love Angel under the previous Sun God as a base, and this cost him countless resources and energy. Therefore, he really couldn’t make up his mind to give up at this time and moved his real body here.

He felt that this avatar seemed to be able to hold on, as long as more Divine Power was provided. So he just did it, and the powerful Divine Power came in like a great river flowing, trying to reinforce this body that was already very powerful. Then the avatar was strong enough to support the entire Void City easily, and he even had the strength to repair the underground maze.

Of course, at the same time, he also sent messages to all his subordinates and friends, asking them to help.

He was neither a fool nor a purely kind protagonist with freakish ideas in a Japanese anime. He also was not a strange regressive leftie or a holy, European philanthropist who had been brainwashed by the idea of “humanitarianism.” When he saw this case, he immediately realized that someone was getting him into trouble.

And it was a very powerful guy!

My opponent was very powerful, and I can’t do many things at one time. What should I do? Look for some help, of course!

Sui Xiong sent out a group message without thinking. He didn’t care what his opponent would do. He was just trying his best to gather help first.

However, before he sent the message, the follow-up attack of his enemy came!

The sky above Void City suddenly became as red as blood. In this bright red, a huge fireball sent out awe-inspiring pressure and fell down toward Void City. It came with infinite weight and heat, as well as poisonous gas which could make common people die immediately if they breathed it in.

Upon seeing that after arriving, Wall, the God of Knowledge changed his face and screamed, “Yin Chen?!”

Although he was not a master of spells, his knowledge of spells was sufficient because of his priesthood. Therefore, he recognized the spell used by the enemy immediately. It was “Yin Chen,” one of the “Seven Spells of Extinction,” which was said to be sealed long ago and impossible to appear again.

The origins of the Seven Spells of Extinction couldn’t be verified. Some people believed that they were created by a powerful god who had been mad. Some people said that they were one of the ways in which the world realized the “destruction” of its origin. Other people thought that they were the masterpieces of the God of Evil, one of the Supreme Four Gods of the past. However, it was certain that the seven spells were powerful enough to frighten the gods, and it made them use the words “extinction of the world” to describe them.

In a book, the seven spells were described as follows:

When the first angel blew the trumpet, hail fell from the sky mixed with fire and blood, and it burned one-third of the trees and grass.

When the second angel blew the trumpet, the burning mountains fell into the sea and turned the sea water into blood. One-third of the sea creatures died, and one-third of the ships were destroyed.

When the third angel blew the trumpet, the huge burning star called “Yin Chen” fell into the rivers. The water in the rivers became as bitter as Yin Chen, and many people died.

When the fourth angel blew the trumpet, one-third of the sun, the moon, and the stars were hit and dimmed. The daylight was no longer bright, and the night owned no more stars.

An eagle flew in the air and cried, “The angel will blow the rest of the trumpets; Thee who live on the ground! Woe to you! Woe to you! Woe to you!”

When the fifth angel blew his trumpet, a star fell from the sky and opened up a bottomless pit. A burst of smoke emerged from the pit, covering the sky; Clouds of locusts rushed out with the smoke like battle horses who were prepared for a war. They were wearing golden crowns, with faces like men and hair like women. They had lion-like teeth and iron armor on their chests, dragging the tail of a scorpion and flapping their wings like horses galloping.

When the sixth angel blew his trumpet, four demons were released. They had already sworn to kill one-third of the people, and so they immediately followed their oaths. Their military forces were massive, in which the cavalries wore fiery chest armor with purple amber and sulfur. The horses were all magnificent, with heads like a lion and a tail like a snake. The horses kept spouting fire and smoke from their mouths, carrying thick streams of sulfur. Thus, one-third of people died under their feet...

It was said that if these seven spells were used together, they would be powerful enough to destroy most parts of the world, bringing doomsday. That would make the gods desperate and unable to survive.

Wall didn’t know if these seven spells had such great power, and he couldn’t use any of them. However, as the God of Knowledge, he clearly knew two points: First, he knew what it was like when these seven spells were used. Second, he knew that these seven spells were supposed to be sealed against the gods. Even the Master of Mystery, who mastered all spells in the world, had no way to use them.

So, who actually used this horrible spell to launch a crazy attack on Void City?

Wall didn’t know that, but he knew that he had to do something now. Otherwise, Void City would be completely devastated! But although he knew this, he couldn’t do anything! He painfully found out that he was too weak as a god!

In the face of the powerful, destructive magic, he was so powerless!

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