Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 337 337: The Sapphire Temple III

  The moment the chaos from them diving underwater was done with, Cole could see hundreds of individual pod like submarines. Within them were black armored people, who went along with the fiery theme of the  flame nation(fire nation). the water around their pods were filled with bubbles as extreme heat seemed to be boiling the water around the pods.

They were in formation,  thousands of them making a net around a city under the island. However there was a dome over the sunken city, and it did not look like the flame kingdom could breach it. Which would mean that, probably the only way is from the island above itself. But that was no problem, Cole did not order the fleet to submerge because he wanted to evade the blockade, very few things can make a Raen decide to  evade or circumvent. He just wanted to destroy them, and doing it from below seems to be the most viable way.

"All ships, follow the diagram I\'ve just sent to you, initiate formation C type A!" Cole was confused what that meant, but judging from the way Eze was speaking his skill was already at work. The ships all lined up behind a  particular stocky ship. It was black as nigh and had scales. It made Cole recall the names and titles the ships had been given during their journey here.

1. The Jade Dragon Ravena

2. The Obsidian Fury Behran

3. The Iron Spider Seran

4. The Gold King Grondor

5. The Smiling Dragon Ronan

6. The Forgotten Anat

7. The Unforgotten Bnat

Each and every single one of them had a speciality, and were off different sizes. The Obsidian fury that they were following behind was the size of an aircraft carrier, which was saying something of it\'s size being under water. Cole was sure the nerves on this sailors within those pods were frayed with nerves.

"Open Basic Artillery fire, small bursts for each ship and rotate until you have punched a hold wide enough for ten of your sizes to push through." Eze ordered as all the ships moved forwards, moving in tandem as they rushed at the underwater blockade, swimming at full speed as if they were really contemplating ramming into it.

From what Cole can understand, he was sharing his knowledge and experience in naval battles with the ships and he was using his mind as a focal point, a conduit to connect all ships to each other so that they can move in synchronicity. A move that would make all of the ships act and move as if they were one entity and not seven.

They swam forwards, but the blockade would definitely not be passive while ships come swimming them, so every pod opened fire, filling the ocean with a bevy if small torpedo like missiles. The ship kept their formation with the Obsidian Fury bearing the brunt of the first salvo, it\'s massive size affording it more defense than the other ships. Then they scattered, like a school of eels evading a larger hunter.

But at the moved away, they opened fire, all  of them aiming for the same spot. Explosions filled the water as seven ships fired off multiple guns at their opponents. And while not as numerous as what the enemy had just sent their way, what they delivered was more powerful as  the entire sea shook in fury by the time the seventh salvo made contact.

  The explosion began to spread like a chain reaction from one submarine to another. They were too tightly cluster together, and the wave of energy from all the shots was interfering, after all, they were up against living ships. The obsidian fury to the  front. Ramming through the hole they had just made in the blockade, they caused even more damage as they went past.

Eze gave orders to the ships as they began an accent back to the surface, but this time four of the ships were left behind to fire pick off the rest of the pods that had survived the initial bombardment. Cannon and gun shots caused shock waves within the ocean as they fired at the ships that were on the surface, breaking one part of the blockade.

After the initial strike, not willing to give the rest of the enemy ships time to gather themselves and mount a counter offensive, Eze split the remaining ships, all of them now focusing on different parts of the blockade, blowing the hips and any other remaining pods to pieces.

Cole watched eveyrhting that was happening impassively, he would be lying if he said he wasn\'t impressed by Eze\'s skill and his ability with the ships. Being able to connect to them was one thing, but without the strategic mind that is required to deal with these kind of things, being connected to the ships would have been useless.

Of course this method just wasted time if Cole had to be honest. Even Eze alone would have been enough to turn most of the blockade to scrap. None of them were just willing to spend any energy when they had no idea what to expect once they get into the temple.

Flames filled the surface of the sapphire sea as all seven ships emerged from the depths. To the ships that were still intact and the survivors of the bombardment, it was like watching monsters of the deep, the most infernal of all creatures rise from the darkness.

The Raens ignored what was left of their opponents as Eze guided the ships to dock around the s,all island. There was a contingent of soldiers waiting on the island though, close to three hundred of them, and all in the gold rank too. These guys outnumbered them 3 to 1. but it was not a problem.

Cole landed on the beach as Eze followed right behind him, and it was not too long after that. The rest of the Raens all started dropping from the ships lining up behind Cole as they faced off against the army that was waiting for them. Cole pulled out [Black Malakai] and [methuselah] holding both weapons in his hands as he pointed them both as the enemy.


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