Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 19 - I choose you

Chapter 19 - I choose you

While Ren was being distracted by the two beings of Chaos and Serenity, Valdel was looking for the source of the voice that was calling him. He looked all around and he saw many weapons that felt like they would be good partners with him, but he decided to find that one weapon that led him here.

Upon going deeper and deeper into the weapons shop, Valdel saw a Zweihänder on the ground, to him who wasn\'t versed in weaponry he simply thought it was another greatsword. Yet what attracted him to the sword was among all the weapons here, this one weapon was relatively cleaner than the others.

Unlike all the other weapons here that were either full of dust or almost rusting, this one weapon was almost in perfect condition. It had no visible marking of any kind.

Valdel who was nearing the sword suddenly heard a voice of a woman in his head.

"Help! Help!" The woman was screaming for help, Valdel looked around but wasn\'t able to see anyone in the surrounding area.

"Where are you! I\'m here, tell me where you are!" Valdel shouted at the top of his lungs, as he sharpened his senses. Using his sense of hearing and smell he tried to locate the unknown woman.

"I\'m right in front of you." Valdel looked right in front of him but he couldn\'t see anyone. The only thing in front of him was the Zweihänder.

"I can\'t see you, are you invisible or something? Are you a ghost? Do you need me to help you pass on?" Valdel was getting even more confused by the minute. Yet he still wanted to help whoever it was who was crying for help.

Since it was like what the old man said, a true hero answers the call of everyone. One must always answer the call even those voiced by the voiceless voices, how much more an actual voice.

"I\'m not a ghost you idiot! I\'m the Zweihänder right in front of you." The woman was now sounding a bit irritated with Valdel.

"Zweihänder is that your name? Alright Zweihänder I will find you and help you no matter what." Valdel who didn\'t know what a Zweihänder was, assumed that it was the name of the woman who was asking for help.

"No you idiot! I\'m the sword that looks like a longsword. Zweihänder is the kind of sword I am, you dolt."

"Huh you\'re a sword? A talking sword? What kind of sword is that?" Valdel who heard what the woman said picked up the two handed Zweihänder with just one hand.

The Zweihänder then projected an image of woman in front of Valdel. The woman was a transcendent beauty. With a face akin to a jade and proper posture akin to a mimosa, and long steel colored hair like the shine of a sword, she appeared to be around eighteen years old simply based on appearances.

"I\'m the spirit inside the sword you\'re holding. So how about it? Will you help me by becoming my master?" The beautiful lady in front of Valdel, sounded all formal now, but it was still the same voice that kept on calling him idiot. This was also the voice that guided him into this shop.

"Why do you want me to become your master? If it someone more suitable my best friend is also in this shop. He is a better swordsman than me, surely he would be a better master."

The lady smiled gently after hearing what Valdel said.

"Do not sell yourself short. You were the one who responded to my call for help, not him. It is true at this moment he is indeed more powerful than you, but I do not wish for a powerful master... In this shop were all matter of legendary, mythical, demonic, and Godly weapons exist I am one of the youngest. Unlike all the other weapons here who have either a legend a story or a meaning, I have none. I am a new legend just waiting to happen, similar to you. Both of us are a blank slate, and I wish to grow together with you as a magnificent legend. So what say you? Will you be my master?"



While Valdel was having a talk with the Zweihänder\'s sword spirit, Ren was now surrounded by the spirits of numerous weapons. Ranging from spears, halberds, swords, and even futuristic weapons like guns. All of them were now trying to convince Ren to pick them.

"Sir Ren with you\'re ability, and with me at hand we can both be eternal legends. Our stories will be sung for eternity."

"If you pick me Sir Ren, I can become your woman. I\'m not only a spirit, I do have corporeal form."

"Do not listen to them Sir Ren. Among all the weapons here I have the greatest fire power. So if you have me at hand we can dominate all existence."

"Everyone please back off, we were the ones who first saw Sir Ren! I and Serenity have chosen him to be the king of kings!"

"King of kings? What so good about becoming something like that? If you choose me I can make you into a God among men!"

"Will you guys shut up already! I already told you guys I wont pick any of you! Do you really think pestering me like this will actually change my mind? What are you guys children? Am I your dad or something?" When the spirits heard Ren\'s shout they all turned quiet..

Still they didn\'t leave Ren alone, just in case he might change his mind and pick one of them. It was at that moment when everything turned silent once more, Ren felt a weak presence in a deeper part of the shop.

Among all the presences here that were at minimum legendary, this one felt like it was barely classified as a legend. No this weapon Ren was sensing felt like it was deliberately trying to erase its presence from anyone who enters the store.

Its presence was faint, coupled with all the powerful presences in this store. It was very hard to even sense its existence. Yet even with all those factors Ren still felt it. This intrigued Ren, since almost all the weapons in this shop responded to him. This one was actually hiding from him, and based on where Valdel was currently at, it was hiding from him too.

Ren whose interest was piqued tried to locate where the presence was. He went deeper into the shop until finally he found it. The one emitting the that faint presence was quite the curious weapon.

When Ren saw what kind of weapon it was, he was now truly and fully curious about its origins. Since there were all manner of weapons in this shop, he wasn\'t that surprise to see that here. It was its uniqueness that caught Ren\'s interest, since most of the weapons here were either swords, or spears. There was more than one of each kind, yet even if you scour the whole store this one weapon was one of the most unique.

Even back in his previous world, this particular weapon wasn\'t really used that much in combat since it had too many flaws. Most of the time it was only use as a decoration or at times out of desperation.

"Hey spirit how about you show yourself to me."

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