Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 271 The Impossible Quest for True Peace

Chapter 271 The Impossible Quest for True Peace

Almost a light year away, I was floating above Mercury as Dawn was getting control over the planet. I had told her that I was going to do it, but she told me that this was her job and that she could handle it.

"How are things going down there?" I asked but didn\'t hear anything at first.

[I should be able to get a hold of it soon, but I think this planet is dead.]

"That is fine. I had assumed as much. Just get the core spinning again, and that will start the seismic activity on the surface. That should be enough to have it primed for my takeover after my first death."

[Are you scared of dying?]

"No, because I am not actually dying. What I am worried about is that I am going to fail completely," I said, trying to look at the massive sun that was filling me with power, but from this distance, the sun was all-consuming.

[Fail? You have a plan, right?]

"If by plan, you mean wiping all traces of humans from existence and then storing them in my mind for a couple hundred thousand years while I build them new bodies and a world, then sure. But I don\'t know how everyone is going to feel about this," I said, turning to face away from the sun. Even if my eyes could filter all the light, it was distracting to look at all the flares and explosions. When I turned away to look out into space, everything was solid black unless I squinted.

[Daniel, they don\'t get a choice in this. That isn\'t how it works, and you aren\'t even one of them. What you are doing is for their own good, and you are giving them a chance at life. That is something that they would not have if you had not been created on this planet by the being of light. They are the ones that drew the attention of the Cleaners, not you.]

"You have a point, but I grew up with them, and I love some of them just as I do you and Gaia," I replied as I stared into nothing.

[Then do what is best for everyone. You are this species\' only hope of survival, and even if you do win against the sisters, and the Gideons, there is no winning against the Cleaners. While in your mind, Octavia shared all the information that you know about them, and it is clear that they won\'t stop. It might be better just to let them clean Earth and start new. Think about it. What is easier to track? A planet or a single person that is not even their target? The Human Race is done as a species, but they can have another chance as something else. Other species have interfered in the past to create the humans on this planet because they had been wiped out before. You are the ones that found their creator. Yet, humans are always, and will always be, looking for war. The problem is that they can not be united, but this is a problem, according to Octavia, across the universe with all intellectual species.]

A string of thoughts came to mind about all the successful races that were surviving the constant onslaught from the Cleaners. Each of them was ruled by a single leader. Next, I was fed thoughts of all the failed worlds and species, but this one took more time to process. Few of them had been led by one person, but the ones that did, did it too late. What I wasn\'t seeing was anyone living peacefully. These must be fed directly to me by her from inside my head. It was kind of nice, rather than sorting through this all at once on my own.

"I am not seeing anything peaceful," I said, and I felt a mental nod from within.

[Yeah, Octavia said she was sure that there were some, but to keep a race like that peaceful and alive, they would have to be undetectable. There is a very good chance that there are some hiding in black holes. There is an entire system of universes inside of them, according to the files, but travel through them is impossible with any known technology. Again, these races probably wouldn\'t share it. Considering your power, you might be able to survive the trip to look for some after this is all over.]

"If other people can\'t go there, then I could just hide everyone there, right?" I asked.

[I said the same thing, but Octavia said it would only be temporary. If someone figured it out once, they would figure it out again. There is also the fact that if you have one or both hearts of Alpha and Tiamat, they will be drawn to you. Defeating them both is the only way that you are ever going to live in even the shadow of peace. From what Octavia has shown me, the universe denies peace, and everyone seems to find a reason to fight about something. Humans have made that very clear since they existed, and now seeing the other species are no different. Peace really does seem like nothing more than a fairy tale from one of the books you have read.]

"I disagree. I think that it starts with having a common enemy and knowing the only way to survive is by working together," I said, thinking of the relationship between myself and Dawn and how much I had grown since we met.

[But therein lies the problem. Why does there always have to be an enemy for peace? That isn\'t really peace; that is just bringing the conflict to someone else. You can\'t stop one war and decide to start another and call it peace.]

I couldn\'t argue with her. Instead, I just stayed quiet as we stared into the inky darkness of space. With all the information Octavia had given me, I knew it was true. Even if I managed to defeat the Cleaners, another war would come eventually. It seemed like the only way to stop this cycle was by creating a truly peaceful world where everyone got along and lived without fear or the necessity to fight.

"Truly, peace is impossible," I said with final finality.

[I don\'t think you know what that word means. I am not trying to say that it isn\'t possible, but violence can\'t create peace because there is always a loser and a winner. Peace is such a hard thing to achieve because it means something different to everyone.]

"But what does it mean to you?" I asked as I watched a space station float by in the distance, and my mind drifted away from the question.

[Peace is a state where everyone can live together in harmony and feel safe just being themselves. It doesn\'t matter if they disagree with each other, the difference is respected, and people listen to one another instead of shouting. In this kind of world, differences are celebrated, not feared. That is peace.]

I nodded thoughtfully, understanding now what she meant. She was right. This was something that could never be accomplished through violence because then there would always be winners and losers. But by listening to others and respecting their differences, perhaps something like true peace could exist.

"Hm," I hummed as I looked at the stars in front of us. "Maybe someone will find a way someday."

[I think that I am fine now. The last jump is 2 hours away, but we don\'t have an exact location on where near the sun they will arrive.]

"It is ok. We will find it eventually," I said, my mind already turning away from peace and planning for the future of humankind.

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