VRMMORPG: Dragomancer Reborn

Chapter 252 Chaos From A Guide

Chapter 252 Chaos From A Guide

"Ahh~ that was good." Arthur said with contentment.

He already had the tasks he needed to do for today in his mind.

\'I\'ll have plenty of time to do them. I\'ll get my workout done for the day first.\' Arthur thought and changed into suitable clothes.

He went down and sprinted his way to the mall where he did rock climbing again.

The difference was noticeable this time, as his strength was greater than before. He could not only pull himself up with greater ease, but also went higher than before. By the end of it all, the instructor was completely impressed.

"I\'ve never seen someone improve this fast." Howell said, feeling surprised.

"Ah yeah, I think I was just a bit tired yesterday," Arthur replied. "I had a good breakfast today and feel way stronger." 

"That does make sense. Good nutrition is key to good performance after all." Howell nodded his head. "Keep it up, I think you\'ll improve even more." He complimented.

"I hope so too." Arthur said before changing back to his normal clothes and returning to the Wisteria apartments.

He didn\'t stop at the lobby and went right back to his apartment before taking a shower and preparing a little snack to restore his hunger bar.

>Hunger: 62%<

"Even my hunger falls faster than usual. Physical exertion has increased the drain further." Arthur muttered while munching on an energy bar.

He continued to eat while opening the Grand Nexus forums on his phone.

>Do you wish to withdraw funds to your account?<


>42,212 UC have been credited to your account!<

Arthur quickly withdrew the revenue that had been generated to his bank account.

\'Time to do some payments first.\' Arthur thought and sent off two payments.

>Hypnotek has been paid 20,000 UC!<

>You\'re leftover debt is 80,000 UC!<

>Wisteria Apartments have been paid 10,000 UC!<

>Account Balance: 17,644 UC<

"There we go…" Arthur felt satisfied having paid a part of the debt as well as advanced rent for the apartment.

Now he wouldn\'t need to think about it for a time being. He even thought that if he kept on earning at this rate, he just might be able to pay off the loan from Hypnotek in less than a month.

\'That would be ideal. If I pay it off, I can get into investing much faster.\' Arthur thought to himself. "Since I wanna do that, let\'s get to writing." He cracked his fingers and got into the Dream Pod.

Arthur wrote nonstop for about three hours and only stopped when his hunger notification ran again.

It was 3 PM and he took a break for a late lunch. After his hunger was restored, he got back into writing and wrote all the way till 8 pm.

"Hooo~ I guess this is gonna surprise them." Arthur said before publishing the articles he had written.


With just one thought, four full length articles were published!

At first, things were normal and nothing happened.

But a minute later, the notifications started coming in.




~Ding~ x 98

"Haha, gotta let them suffer a bit now." Arthur said and silenced the notifications. 

He got out to eat dinner and waited for it to be login time again. Once it was time, he jumped back into the game, reappearing in the inn where he had logged out.

But this time, he could feel a change in the atmosphere.

The shouting of players could be heard, and Arthur could make out a hullabaloo happening outside.

"What\'s up with them today?" Arthur furrowed his brows and opened the window, peeking outside.


He saw many players rushing towards the gates, as if desperate to hunt.


"Just 1 gold coin! Just 1 and we can start leveling up even faster!"

Arthur made out a few of their conversation from all that noise and finally understood why this was happening.

"That was… fast." Arthur muttered in surprise. 

This was due to the fact that he knew exactly why the players were acting like this. It was none other than his posts that were behind their actions.

>How to invest 1 gold coin and reach level 15 in 10 days! [Tested and vouched!]<

This was one of the articles that Arthur had published earlier. And also the one that had sent the players into a tizzy. Everyone wanted to level up faster and as such, now that they had seen the article, they couldn\'t help but get to working as fast as possible.

In total, Arthur had published four articles, but only one of them had to do with leveling up. The other three were mostly about the understanding of the game and how one could improve their skills.

But of course, most players would rather focus on something that would improve their strength faster, not knowing that the other three articles would help them a lot more in the long term.

\'Though the smarter ones will realize that they can be even more efficient than others if they learn the other three articles first.\' Arthur thought to himself.

This was Arthur\'s trick of figuring out good players from the general ones.

Many would reach level 15 first if they followed the level up method, and other players that followed the other three articles would lag behind. But when those that learned about the articles started grinding they would find themselves being stronger.

They would catch up to those at level 15 quickly and even exceed them. It might even reach a point where they would hit level 17 or more, while others were still stuck at level 15.

\'It\'ll give me a way to make out the strong ones.\' Arthur thought. \'It\'ll also act as a good bait for the Agate E-sports and other companies too.\' Arthur reckoned.

This wasn\'t even the best method of grinding at this point, he could make something better than this, but he would only do so if he got a good price for it.

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