The Soul Keeper

Chapter 39: A Mysterious Smile

Chapter 39: A Mysterious Smile

I threw myself to the side, just barely avoiding the roaring flames. The layer of ash around me rose and created small cyclones. The Phoenix screeched again. I quickly got back on my feet and dashed to the side. Another fireball exploded behind me.

I looked around, trying to find a place where I could climb up and escape the crater. The walls were too steep, I didn\'t think I could get out of here easily. It wouldn\'t have been an issue if there wasn\'t a bird shooting fireballs at me.

Another one exploded behind me, sending me flying. I feel on the ash covered ground with a thud. Smoke covered the sky; it was getting difficult to breathe again. I coughed and pushed myself up. The creature screeched at me. The wound Alex\'s sword had inflicted was still there, on the creature\'s chest. Why was it that only her weapon inflicted any permanent damage?

The flapped its wings, sending a cloud of ash my way. I coughed and covered my face with my cloak. I had to get up and escape. On my own, I had no chance against this creature. I shot a volley of Dark Bolts at it and dashed to the edge of the crater.

A fireball hit the ground before me, causing me to stop in my tracks. I heard the sound of wings and turned to see a pair of sharp, deadly talons approaching me. Hopeless, I swung my scythe.

It screeched. I screamed. The scythe cut through its left wing with ease as the sharp talons pierced my chest. The enchantment on my clothes had depleted a long time ago. I used Soul\'s Respite again as soon as it retreated a little. My previous wounds hadn\'t even completely healed yet and he wounds on my chest hurt still, my healing ability was nothing like Alina\'s. The souls burst out of my chest and started their ritual of circling around me.

I glanced at the creature. It was preparing another attack. I could sense its magic focus around its mouth. The souls slowly healed the wounds on my chest, but it wasn\'t fast enough. I wasn\'t going to be able to get up in time to avoid it.

The phoenix breathed fire my way. I barely crawled out of its range, leaving a trail of blood on the ash covered ground. Fear gripped my throat. I looked at the wound I had inflicted – how long was it even going to remain there?

The phoenix screeched and flapped its right wing. To my surprise, its left wing hadn\'t healed yet. Though there was no blood, it was motionlessly dangling. It reared it\'s head up and I came face to face with a wall of fire. The flames roared as they reached towards me.

I couldn\'t die right now. Not after finding Erik and the others. Not after meeting Rina and Alex. I grasped the shaft of my scythe and prayed for Soul\'s Respite to heal me as the flames approached.

"That\'s quite enough." A soft voice sounded. The wall of flames hit a purple barrier moments before they reached me. I heard the sound of two pairs of wings. Delthur landed right by my side. He didn\'t even look at me, his gaze was focused on the phoenix.

Purple flames appeared around the phoenix as I heard Vixia\'s soft voice, chanting. It screeched and breathed fire, only to once again be blocked by that purple barrier. As the demon\'s flames burnt it, it wailed in pain. Despite almost being killed by it, I couldn\'t help but feel a little bad for it. It stood no chance against Vixia.

She finally entered my vision, landing right by the creature. She wore simple, dark green protective clothes. Her overdone makeup or extravagant clothes were nowhere to be seen. Her simpler outfit made her no less intimidating. I felt a lump in my throat as her flames danced around the phoenix. Any second now, the one wailing in pain could be me.

I forced myself to get up. Soul\'s Respite had finally finished healing me. I slowly, discreetly stepped back, only to hit a purple barrier much like the one that stopped the phoenix\'s flames.

"Stay where you are." Delthur said with a dry voice. He seemed annoyed. Unlike Vixia, he was wearing chain armour and carried a large, two handed sword with him. He looked very much like the demons in old stories.

It took a while for the phoenix to finally fall. Motionless, it lay on the ground. I half expected it to turn into ash as it died, but it didn\'t.

I noticed the barrier around me dissolve. I thought of escaping, but both Vixia and Delthur had focused their attention on me.

"Well," Vixia suddenly said with a dark expression. "How long are you going to make it suffer?" Her beautiful voice carried the full weight of her words. "A phoenix can\'t be killed by ordinary means."

Her words sent a chill down my spine. I glanced at Delthur – he also had a heavy expression. "What do you want me to do?" I asked with a weak voice. It was impossible to not be terrified of her, considering that she didn\'t even look slightly tired after that show of power.

She gestured towards the phoenix\'s motionless body. "Kill it. Let it find it\'s peace." Purple flames danced on her fingers. I gulped, how was I going to get out of this one alive?

I slowly, carefully approached the phoenix. The closer I got, the more sadness I felt. It was a beautiful being, despite its deadly flames. I glanced at my scythe. Was it even going to work? With a deep breath, I swung the blade, piercing the creature\'s chest.

The body turned into ash as my scythe passed through its flesh. I shivered as its soul dissolved into my chest. I hadn\'t expected a phoenix\'s soul to be this cold. Suddenly, I felt sick. How was I any different than an executioner? Killing a helpless, already defeated creature like that!

I brushed past Vixia and ran to the nearest rock. Delthur motioned to chase me, but Vixia calmly stopped him. I bent down behind the rock and puked my breakfast. My whole being felt sick. What I had just done was against everything I was taught. It was against the principles my family upheld throughout the centuries.

"Weak." Delthur\'s dry voice sounded. He cleared his throat and coughed. "Lady Vixia, I-"

"It\'s fine." She said with a soft voice as I stepped away from the disgusting mess I created. I could still taste it. I needed water, though I didn\'t expect to live long enough to find any.

"What happens now?" I asked with a cracked voice. I probably looked funny to them. My legs were shaking, I felt exhausted. Still, I clenched my fingers around the scythes shaft. The feeling of cold, hard metal helped me calm down a little.

Vixia smiled. "You don\'t need to be so on guard, Kai Friseal." She approached me, purple flames still dancing on her fingers. "If I wanted to kill you, I\'d done so the first time we met." She walked past me. "Come."

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