A Demon's Journey

Chapter 635  Conversing with Zhan Xinyi

It wasn\'t until his hands, with a serpent\'s grace, snaked around Zhan Xinyi\'s waist that she stirred, awakening with a start. Her eyes widened in startled surprise, and her immediate instinct was to free herself. However, William\'s grip, firm as a vice, prevented her escape.

Startled and indignant, Zhan Xinyi demanded to know who he was and why he had intruded into her room. Her attempts to break free were met with the unyielding restraint of William\'s hold.

With a sly smile playing on his lips, William responded to her inquiries, "Well, well, Zhan Xinyi. You\'re an interesting one, aren\'t you?" His voice was a low murmur, suggestive of the secrets he held. "I know about your desires, your wishes. The longing for vengeance that simmers within you. I know you want to make the one who killed your brother pay."

Zhan Xinyi, now ceasing her struggle, stared at him with a mix of curiosity and wariness. "How do you know all this?" she asked, her voice a mixture of defiance and uncertainty.

"Oh, my dear," William chuckled, his tone dripping with a blend of amusement and desire. "A man in my position has his ways of learning things. But enough about that. I\'m here to offer you a proposition."

As William spoke, his hands continued their exploratory journey, navigating the contours of Zhan Xinyi\'s body with a deliberate sensuality. His touch held a magnetic pull, and Zhan Xinyi, caught in a swirl of emotions, found herself momentarily captivated.

The sly grin never leaving his face, William continued, "I can help you get your revenge, Zhan Xinyi. I have the means, the resources. All you have to do is agree to cooperate with me. A simple arrangement, wouldn\'t you say?"

Zhan Xinyi, torn between the desire for vengeance and a wariness of this enigmatic figure, hesitated. The room seemed to pulsate with tension, the unspoken negotiation hanging in the air.

The dim lighting cast shadows that danced on the walls as William leaned in, his voice a whispered promise. "Consider it, Zhan Xinyi. A partnership that could lead you to the justice you seek. The choice is yours."

Zhan Xinyi, still held in the grip of William\'s firm embrace, couldn\'t shake off the uncertainty clouding her expression. "Who are you?" she demanded once more, her voice a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

A sly grin danced on William\'s lips as he chose this moment to unveil his identity. "I am William, the Wild Dragon Spear Emperor," he declared with an air of confidence.

Zhan Xinyi\'s eyes widened in sheer disbelief. The revelation seemed too fantastical to be true. An Emperor-ranked expert standing before her, making audacious promises of vengeance? It felt like an improbable tale.

To dispel her doubts and authenticate his claim, William channeled a surge of his potent Qi into Zhan Xinyi\'s body. The overwhelming force instantly subdued every ounce of her strength, leaving her breathless and convinced of his formidable prowess.

Staring up at him, Zhan Xinyi whispered, "You\'re really an Emperor?" The realization had settled, and her gaze held a mix of awe and submission.

With a smirk, William acknowledged her acceptance, "Now that we\'ve established that, let\'s talk about our little partnership." His tone was laced with a wicked promise.

Zhan Xinyi, her voice barely above a whisper, murmured her agreement, "Do whatever you want. Just make sure to kill the one who took my brother from me."

William\'s grin widened at her compliance. The room, shrouded in dim light, became a stage for the unfolding desires. He leaned in, planting kisses along her neck, each one a calculated move to intensify the connection between them.

Her breath hitched as the sensations deepened, and the initial resistance faded into a mingling of consent and curiosity. The gentle caress of William\'s hands traversed the contours of her body, eliciting responsive shivers.

Their lips met in a long, lingering kiss that traversed the realms of passion and surrender. Zhan Xinyi, caught in the whirlwind of conflicting emotions, surrendered herself to the desires ignited in that dimly lit sanctum.

The night was a whirlwind of passion, an exploration of desires where Zhan Xinyi willingly surrendered herself to the relentless dance of pleasure that William orchestrated. Her every whimper, every sigh, became notes in the symphony of their union. The room bore witness to the intensity of their desires, a fleeting connection forged in the crucible of need and satisfaction.

As dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, the fervor of the night began to settle. The aftermath lingered in the air, a silent testimony to the secrets shared in the sanctum.

As the first rays of morning light streamed through the window, marking the end of their passionate encounter, William found himself content. Zhan Xinyi, her body bearing the marks of their shared desires, lay beside him, seemingly sated and yet uncertain.

With a casual stretch, William sat up, letting the sheets fall away. "Now that we\'ve had our fun, let\'s talk business," he said with an air of nonchalance.

Zhan Xinyi, her expression a mix of post-pleasure and confusion, nodded in agreement.

William wasted no time in detailing his plan. "You\'ll get close to Long Chen, the man you met earlier. I don\'t want any physical involvement, just a friendly connection. Help me make use of him."

As Zhan Xinyi processed the information, she couldn\'t help but express her confusion, "Why is this Long Chen so important to you, an Emperor-ranked expert?"

William, veiling his true intentions, responded vaguely, "Let\'s just say he\'s a key player in a larger game. Your involvement is crucial for reasons you need not concern yourself with." He shifted the focus back to the task at hand, "Remember, our goal is to get close to him, nothing more."

With a lingering sense of uncertainty, Zhan Xinyi agreed to abide by William\'s plan.

Curiosity bubbling within her, she questioned, "How do you plan to kill my brother\'s killer when I have no information about them?"

To this, William leaned back, his confidence undeterred. "My intelligence network spans the entire Zhongxing Kingdom. We\'ve already uncovered the identity of your brother\'s killer, along with concrete evidence to confirm that he is indeed your brother\'s killer. All that\'s left is for me to take care of the rest."

Zhan Xinyi couldn\'t help but feel a tinge of uncertainty about the task at hand. She turned to William, her eyes filled with curiosity and concern. "How am I supposed to get close to Long Chen? I\'ve already rejected him quite harshly. He might not even like me now."

William, exuding confidence, reassured her with a knowing smile. "Oh, my dear, Long Chen is completely infatuated with you. He won\'t give up that easily. Trust me; he\'ll come back."

As Zhan Xinyi pondered over the plan, William clarified, "You don\'t have to rush things. Act as if your impression of him is gradually changing. Let it unfold naturally. Your acting needs to be seamless and align with your usual demeanour."

Zhan Xinyi, displaying newfound confidence, nodded in agreement. "I can handle that. I\'ll make sure to play my part convincingly."

In a gesture of assurance, she hugged William tightly. "Just make sure you fulfil your end of the bargain. I\'ve entrusted you with more than just information. My trust, my body... don\'t let it go to waste."

William reciprocated with a kiss, the promise of commitment lingering in the air. "I won\'t betray your expectations, Zhan Xinyi. You\'ve taken a step into the shadows with me, and I\'ll make sure it leads to the vengeance you seek."


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