I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 37 37. Mad Bull

Bhima, like a mad bull, rushed toward the Sushala but a trio of brothers stood in front of her like an iron wall.

As he approached them, Sushasan and Vikrama split into different directions. They know they are not his opponent in the head-on confrontation, As Bhima was gifted immense strength by his celestial father. Only their elder brother, Who has Vajra* skin able to stand a chance.

So they decided to use their ability. Two of them will attack him from different sides, While Sushasan will protect Sushala.

Both Sushasan and Vikrama approach Bhima from two different directions but that mad bull didn\'t pay any attention to them. In his eyes they are trash, Not worthy of his attention.

The only one who makes him guard against it is a man in front of him, Their elder brother, Suyodhana.

His Vajra skin is so strong that his fist gets injured while hitting him but that guy did not receive any damage at all.

This makes him hate Suyodhana as he feels it\'s unfair to others that he was born with the Vajra skin.

As you can guess he was not that good in the brain, He might have put all his intelligent stats in strength.

He felt it was an advantage because others were born gifts but failed to see his own unfair advantage over people, Who were not born with any divine things.

Well, This partial perspective disease is common in the Pandavas, They only see the advantage others have and how it is unfair to them, Totally ignoring they were gifted too.




In a matter of seconds, both Sushasan and Vikrama reached Bhima and attacked using their fists from both sides, But as Bhima guessed they were not a threat to him.

Both of their punches landed on him but because a layer of his fat wasn\'t able to harm him at all. It just made his skin jiggle.

And now both of them put themselves in danger, As they were too close to him.

"Now what are you going to do, You little rats? I will crush you like an ant."

Seeing the opportunity Bhima quickly grabbed both of their necks before they could react. Although fat he was quite agile at close range.

"*Aharck* L-let g-go *Cough*"

"*Ahh* *Cough* B-Bhima le-let g-go *Cough*"

As Bhima tightened his grip on their neck both of them started to struggle and asked him to let go.

As the idea of pleading for life never crossed their mind, After all even if they were little, They were born warriors, Warrior lost his head but not his dignity.

"BHIMA!!! Let them go this way or I will forget that we are supposed brothers."

Suyodhan roared, seeing his brother struggling to breathe. He knows Bhima was not stupid enough to kill the princes but he can beat them very brutally, He did it before.

Some of them are still healing their wounds, So in anger, he beat Bhima but the elders only blamed him. He tried to complain that Bhima was the first one to beat his brothers to elders but all he received was bullshit for a reason.

"Pandavas lost their father, Try to understand their pain. They are sons of gods, So they will never hurt your brothers without you guys provoking them. So stop feeling jealous of them, They are the hope of this kingdom."

These kind words they used to defend Pandavas. If not for fearing that their mother might burn these people to death if he said their words to his mother, He might really have gone crying to his mother to complain. He didn\'t want his mother to do the sin of killing their elders.

They are not bad to them but it\'s just that elders are too partial, And they do not even try to hide it. Which hurt Kauravas the most, Thankfully their parents were there to take care of them, But they have also been very busy for the past 2 years because of the death of the late king, Lot\'s of official processes are pending for them to do.

Remembering the painful howls and seeing his two brothers struggling for air, Suyodhans blood boiled in rage, His fits clenched tightly but he restrained himself from moving from here.

There is still Sudhala, He has protected her. He knows he can only defend against him but is not able to defeat Bhima. His Vajra body grants his absolute protection from physical harm but he doesn\'t have much strength to defeat Bhima in a fight yet.

"Hehe, Why don\'t you stop me, Duryodhan? Or you wants to see how i torture your brothers?"

Bhema laughed as he saw those pain and hate filled eyes of Suyodhna. How much he loves seeing this bad omen peoples struggle.

He heard from elders, This Kauravas were bad omen, A evil born to destroy the whole kuru lineage.

So in his mind, Hurting them was a good thing as these peoples are evil. This also gives him one more reason to beat them. He is not afraid of those elders punishing him, They love him and his brother very much.

As long as he didn\'t kill these bad omens, They will turn blind towards this act. He was very confident of it as this happened many times in the past.

"Ahh! *Crack* Bhima!!!*

Suyodhana widened his eyes as he saw Bhima grabbing Sushasana\'s wrist and twisting his index finger in the opposite direction, Cracking sound was not that loud but it was clearly heard by everyone present.

Sushasan howled in pain, He with all his might started hitting Bhima with his free hand and legs. He was in too much pain. For a moment, He even felt like he might pass out because of this pain but soon another wave of pain struck him.


Bhima again twisted another finger of his all the back, The sound of was indication that his middle finger was also broken by Bhima.


Suyodhana just spat out his name through his teeths. A killing intent emerged in his heart without him noticing. At this moment all he wants is to kill this bill using any means.

This is the only sure way to protect his younger brothers. As long as this supposed brother of his die, His brothers will spare of this torture. He didn\'t care about what punishment those elders would give him.

"Bhima, I will kill you."

It was Vikrama who was still held by their neck in Bhima\'s hand roared. When he heard the first crack, He was stunned for a second. He never thought that Bhima would do this cruel thing but before he came out from his shock he heard the second crack.

This enraged Vikrama too much, He forgot about his own pain and started bombarding him with his fury of fists and kicks. He was hitting him like a maniac.

At this moment, His pain, Their relation, His weaknesses, He had forgotten everything, The only thing he remembers was that person in front of him hurt his brother.



In those random punches, One hit Bhima directly on the nose. The sharp pain of a broken nose loosened his grip on them, giving both of them a chance to escape.I think you should take a look at

"I will kill you with bad omens."

Bhima lost his sanity because of his pain, No one has ever hurt him before, and now, Vikrama did that, The trash in his eyes hurt him.

This was a blow to his dignity, So this time he was super enraged. He didn\'t look at the Sushasan but rushed towards Vikram.

He wants to break those hands which hurt him. He wanted to hear his screams of pain. So he dashed toward Vikrama and was quickly able to approach him as Vikrama didn\'t run far away as he was worried about his brothers and sisters\' safety.

"Big brother Duryodhana, Please *Sob* go and rescue brother Vikrama now or brother Bhima might really harm him too much."

This time Sushala hurriedly tugged at her elder brother and begged him to help brother Vikrama. Only he is capable of restraining Bhima.

"But- "

"No Buts, Go and save my brother Vikrama, I will be fine."

Before Suyodhana says something, Sushala cuts him off. Just like her brother does not want to see her getting hurt, She too didn\'t want her brothers to get hurt too.

The painful howl of her brother still rang in her ears. She hated herself at this moment for being this week. If not for protecting her, Her big brother never let Bhima hurt her brother Sushasan.

"Okay be careful."

Suyodhana was a little hesitant but seeing that Bhima was close to catching Vikrama, Didn\'t argue and bolted like thunder in their direction.


Just as Bhima was about to grab the Vikrama, Suyodhana slammed into Bhima and both fell on the ground.





He didn\'t waste any moment talking, He raised his fists and started bombarding him with his angry punches.

All the anger, hate, and pain, He had felt at this moment was used as the fuel behind his fits to continue his never-ending fury of punches in his face. Bhima too tried to punch and throw him off but because of his Vajra body, he couldn\'t harm him at all, on the contrary, he was getting hurt.

Soon, Fits of Suyodhana turned red, He beat Bhima until his face dyed red with his own blood. Only then Suyodhana came back to his senses, And bombarded of his fits came to halt.

For the first time, He fears, He fears himself. If not for seeing his blood-coated hands, He might never have stopped his fits. He is really trying to help him.

"You bad omen."


Seeing the opportunity Bhima punched Suyodhana with his might, He wanted to get away from this man right now because he felt it. Each and Every punch of his wanted to kill him, If not for his demi-god physiques he really had died here in his hand.

Suyodhana was not prepared for this surprise attack and was thrown a few feet high in the air and fell in the opposite direction.

"I will teach you what happens when you mess with the son of Vayu."

Bhima roared and bashed towards the Sushala, Like a wizard\'s life was on the parrot, This Kuru brother\'s life stayed in her. If you harm her it will be equivalent to hurting all of them at once.

He can\'t harm Suyodhana physically but he can harm him mentally. This was his thought process.

From the tactical point of view, he was right. It\'s the logical choice to target the weak point of the opponent but the point was that in front of him were his brothers, The sons of his father Pandu\'s elder brother.

And the weak point of them was a little helpless girl, Who didn\'t even do anything to him.


Seeing that bull running toward their sister, the Three brothers yelled in their heart-wrenching pain. Sushasan and Vikrama were not close to her as they had already stepped forward to stop Suyodhana when they saw that he was not stopping but then a sudden change happened.

As for Suyodhana who was the only one capable of containing him was far away from her, So they can only try their hardest to run toward their sister fully knowing that they will not reach her in time.

Sushala on the other hand felt as if she was rooted in the ground. She tried running countless times but her legs were not listening to her at all.

They felt so heavy that she couldn\'t move them. The fear froze her in the place.

She can only helplessly watch blood-covered angry-faced Bhima running towards her. It was a really very scary thing for someone like her, Who was always pampered by her brother.

At this all she can do is to close her eyes and pray that she will fall unconscious from the first pain.

But even after a long time, The pain she was expecting did not come. When she opened her eyes hesitantly, All she saw was a board back in front of her. Although the statue of the person in front of her was only 6ft in height, in front of her 5.5ft height, It felt like an iron wall protecting her.

Curiously she looked at the person standing in front of her but this look took her breath away. She never saw anyone as beautiful as the person in front of her.

(A/N : Sorry sorry Guys I got busy writing my new novel. You know I wrote 3 chapters a day of that novel, So I wasn\'t able to write this one. Sorry .

Surviving in Woman\'s world as a novel villain.

Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/surviving-in-woman\'s-world-as-a-novel-villain._22091794606468005

I wrote this chapter by staying awake at night and uploading it just after I completed it. There might be more grammar mistakes in this than other chapters because I was fighting against sleep while writing this, So point them out. After I wake up I will correct them.

Also, Sushala will be added in Harem as I make sure they are not related and she was the 4th character which I felt very bad about.

There might be an argument that Kuravas deserve their fate or not but she absolutely didn\'t deserve it. This girl was good to both Pandavas and Kurvas and still got a short side of the stick.

So she will be added to the harem. After all, I didn\'t feel any other person deserved her, Even Aswathama couldn\'t (Which was my 2nd choice) . But as a writer at least here, I want to give her a good life.

Like always thanks for reading and have a good day .)

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