I Quit Being The Villain

Chapter 94 Transmigration Protagonist

Wu Kuang perished in a torturous death, and was then replaced by a divine being who held pure hate toward Gu Xia.

Gu Xia, who had been silent the entire time, was taken aback when he noticed a light golden radiance enveloping the body of Wu Kuang.

"Wh-what the fuck…"

Unable to help himself, he muttered and stepped back, his eyes wide with disbelief as the body slowly rose from the ground.

Wu Kuang\'s body was radiating a faint light which could be seen through his skin.

His eyes shimmered a brilliant golden hue, his hair lightened to a perfect shade of blond, and his stature grew taller and stronger.

An atmosphere of tranquility and beauty surrounded him, as if he was experiencing a heavenly aura.

Gu Xia, not wanting to witness any further transformations, commanded his subordinate with a loud bark.

"Kill him!"

The demon from the lowest pit of hell let out a screech before crazily dashing toward Wu Kuang with his body twitching.

Wu Kuang stayed in his spot, his face completely void of emotions. He only gave a quick glance at the creature that sprinted in his direction.

The creature moved with lightning speed towards him, his sword unsheathed and slicing the air. He slashed toward Wu Kuang\'s neck.


Much to the surprise of the creature, Wu Kuang managed to catch the sharp sword with only his fingers.

Letting out an eerie and distorted scream in response, the creature swung his open hand forward.

Wu Kuang was able to avoid being hit by quickly ducking out of the way, his fingers never letting go of the sword.

Gu Xia, who had witnessed the entire exchange, couldn\'t help but click his tongue in frustration. He realized right away that this Wu Kuang was not the same person he had once known.


Upon hearing its command, the creature quickly reacted with a hiss of displeasure and jumped away from Wu Kuang and into the distance.

Wu Kuang, who had not smiled since his resurrection, finally showed a small, hateful smile as he felt something inside of him reacting.

\'Damn, my divine power is lowered in the mortal world… Sadly I must withdraw, or I\'ll kill myself…\'

He thought to himself,

Without uttering a single word, he cast a glance in the direction of Gu Xia and then vanished in a burst of yellow light.

Gu Xia didn\'t chase nor did he say a word toward the being who occupied Wu Kuang\'s body. Ultimately, he had no way of knowing who was inside the body because of his lack of information.

Why would he fight something unknown?

Gu Xia released a deep sigh before he clicked his finger, and with that, the barrier was gone in a flash.

"Return to your cage."

He grumbled inaudibly. His voice was so cold it sent a chill through the air.

The creature listened to his command and altered its form into a dark liquid, which then flowed into Gu Xia\'s body, leaving a dark, vacant void behind.

"We\'re leaving, Ai Yao."

Gu Xia didn\'t pause to gain any sort of response, but instead started descending the mountain.

Ai Yao, who had been observing the entire fight from the forest, was utterly stunned.

As a cultivator of her age, she had been in many battles before, but never had she encountered a fight as dark as this one…

As she slowly recovered from the shock, she began to rise into the air, and soon she was making her way towards Gu Xia and trailing behind him.

[America: normal Earth in the year 4070.]

"... F-Fuck my l-life... hiccup."

Victor\'s entire body swayed back and forth as he drunkenly slurred his words.

The moon looked down from the darkness of the night sky, and stars twinkled.

Although it was a beautiful scene for the eye to appreciate, Victor stopped in place and sluggishly looked upward with bloodshot eyes, not caring at all about the beautiful scenery.

Even though his vision was blurry, he could still make out the color of the stars.

With a depressed expression plastered on his face, he spoke in a dejected voice, "I-I w-wish one of t-these stars would f-fall and end m-my pathetic l-life... hiccup."

Seeing that no stars were going to kill him off, Victor, who was completely wasted, bit his lip and spat out, "d-damn you s-stars!"

After cursing the stars and removing his eyes from the night sky, his legs began.

His walking pattern switched repeatedly, from stumbling all over the place to being as slow as a snail.

Countless times he almost tripped into the road, which was luckily deserted, because of how late it was.

With no purpose laying about in his mind, he placed both of his hands into his pockets and wandered forward, having no destination he wanted to return to.

Out of nowhere, a light rainfall began falling from the dark sky.

Small droplets repeatedly landed on the earth\'s surface, making a soothing sound.

Under the sound of the rain, unexpectedly, a loud popping noise resounded throughout the area.

A second later, Victor\'s entire body fell forward, hitting the concrete surface.

Stepping out from an alleyway, a tall blond-haired man, who looked like he was in his 40s, piercings in his ears and tattoos inked onto his arms, looked over at the hammered youngster with an emotionless expression.

"Sorry, kid... nothing personal, it was me or you..."

With a swift motion, the older man lifted the gun and fired several shots at the already downed youngster, the smell of gunpowder lingering in the air before Victor could even open his mouth.

. . .


Victor moved through a sea of darkness, unable to hear the merest whisper, not even the thud of his own heart.

His body felt like it was encased in concrete. His head and legs were completely still. A cold sensation ran across his entire body as his skin felt like it was being bombarded with icy needles.

He was completely unaware of how long he had been in this place or the amount of time that had gone by.

The last thing he remembered was the reverberating sound of the bouncer\'s voice, demanding he leave the bar because of his drunken and unruly behavior.

The rest was a blur.

\'W-where am I…?\' Victor thought to himself. This lone thought echoed throughout his empty mind, causing curiosity to arise inside him.

Unfortunately, his question would go unanswered as no person or thing was present in this pitch black space that held nothing but himself.

Victor remained floating inside the darkness, with only his thoughts keeping him company.

Eventually, after an unknown amount of time had passed, a small light which was the size of a candle appeared from afar.

At first, Victor thought he was permanently blinded, but fortunately, he was wrong.

His body slowly floated toward the small light, which began growing larger and brighter as he got closer and closer.

Thump. Thump.

His heart began thumping violently, causing a slight pain to spread throughout his body.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he felt a foreign force grabbing onto him and pulling him more into the light.

Then something swiftly absorbed his entire body into the light. Because of this, it forced him to shut his eyes tightly in order to guard his vision from the brightness that threatened to invade his pupils.

"Congratulations, Huang Jing… it\'s a baby boy!"


[A/T: Readers! Let\'s try and reach the top ten for golden tickets!]

[Gifts like the Massage chair, Luxury car, Dragon, Magic castle, Spacecraft, and Golden Gachapon will be the biggest help! But any size of golden tickets, even if it is one, is amazing!]

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