Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 666 Jephas

Chapter 666 Jephas

After Eisen and Mystor continued speaking for a little while, so that the old man had really received all the necessary information about that ’Event of Importance’ that Mystor had been trying to make Eisen remember, there was just one thing that Eisen didn’t understand.

"So... Why exactly did you try and turn the first room into an escape room?" Eisen inquired, and Mystor slowly raised his brows, "Well, just cause it’s fun? I mean, when Raziel told me about all the things you revealed to her, I just couldn’t resist some things, especially when she was going on that part so much in particular."

"...Right." Eisen replied with a wry smile. To be fair, that was the first escape room that Mystor designed, so Eisen shouldn’t be too hard on him because of how simple it was in the end.

The old man looked at the god that was sitting on the throne in front of him and crossed his arms, "Well, if that’s all, then I think I’ll go ahead and make my leave now. I have to rest a little after today and then head off to the last divine realm of the bunch." Eisen explained, and the God of Truth slowly nodded his head and waved his hand to the side, "Of course. Your ’Friend’ is already waiting for you."

Behind Eisen a large gate appeared, one that would certainly lead him back to the giant hall of doors that each connected to a different divine ream. The old man walked up to it and pressed the door open before stepping through it, "See you, Mystor." The old man said in a blunt, emotionless tone as the gate closed right behind him.

Mystor didn’t seem to have bad intentions, but the way that he did things was just more than annoying to Eisen. He introduced such a trauma to Eisen and then acted like it was not a big deal. But of course it was, Eisen had stabbed himself into the heart after the death of his lover, there was no way that it could be reduced to a small thing like Mystor was pretending it to be.

Or maybe, Mystor really thought that something like that was unimportant, in which case Eisen wasn’t sure if he could blame him. After all, Mystor was a god, it made sense that he would have a different perspective on things than Eisen did.

Either way, now that all of this was over, Eisen was back in the large hall of doors, where Ambriel was already waiting for him, "Finally, now there is only one divine realm left. Although I have to say, it is rather surprising that you truly managed to get acknowledged by nine deities like that. Considering the way you have been acting the whole time." The Angel pointed out, and Eisen turned his head over toward them, "Alright, tell me, what’s your problem? Why do you despise ’mortals’ that much?"

"What kind of question is that? There is no way I would not despise such useless, disgusting creatures. I had thought you were different as you have come close to the gods at some point, but I was wrong. You are just as simple and useless as all the others of your kind." Ambriel explained to Eisen, as if their opinion was the only natural conclusion that anyone may ever come to.

Eisen glared back at them. He felt like just summoning his sword out of his soul storage and cutting through Ambriel neck immediately, but instead, he held himself back. For now, at least. Of course, it was most likely that Eisen was just focusing all of his anger that had built up over the course of all these divine realms, which mostly came from remembering all of those memories and learning things that he in part wasn’t sure if he even wanted to know, but in the end he didn’t care. Ambriel was the one that Eisen’s anger was focused on, and for now, nobody could really change that anymore.

Eisen stared back at Ambriel and took a deep breath. He turned around, and then silently looked for the next gate that he needed to go through. The gate of the God of Craftsmanship, Silmos.

The old man pressed his palms onto the gate and pushed it open, before stepping through. There, Eisen found himself in the middle of a wide open field again, like he usually did. But now, something was different. With every breath, Eisen could smell and basically taste smoke from smithies, he could hear people hammering on metal in the distance, he heard the flames slowly burn up their fuel. Excited to be able to spend some time here in this divine realm and maybe get rid of a little bit of his annoyance, Eisen took a step forward, but the moment that he did so, a notification appeared in front of Eisen.

[New Quest – Silmos’ Acknowledgement]

[Description] You are seeking to be acknowledged by the gods of heaven and made your way into the realm of the God of Craftsmanship, Silmos. As you have dedicated your life to Craftsmanship in every way possible, there is no need to further prove yourself to Silmos, as he already acknowledges your effort and ability.

But nonetheless, he wishes to see your skill in action while amongst those that are like-minded.

[Condition] Craft at least 5 Perfect Quality items of different types in the workshops of different souls (0/5)

[Reward] Silmos’ Acknowledgement

[Penalty] Failure not possible

Eisen read through the notification with his brows raised, a little bit surprised at seeing this. He was glad that he was already practically acknowledged by Silmos, and that this quest was one that was impossible to fail. Eisen was sure that this quest was made just so that he would be able to properly enjoy his time here in the divine realm by creating all the items that he wanted to here.

Throughout the time that Eisen had spent in some of the different divine realms, Eisen had made a number of items that he thought to be rather useful even after he left the divine realms again in general, and he hoped to be able to make a few more quite great items here in the divine realm of craftsmanship. It would be a bit disappointing if he wasn’t able to.

And so, the old man made his way over toward the town, flying over it in the search of a great place to work. It didn’t take Eisen that long to find his first stop either. It was probably one of the most prominent buildings here in this part of town, and it stuck out because there were a lot of people getting in and out at all times. At first Eisen thought that it might have been some sort of marketplace where people could gather and sell the items that they crafted, but once he got closer, he figured out that it very much wasn’t that way.

The old man landed in front of the large entrance to this building, deactivating his demonic transformation.

With an excited smile, Eisen walked deeper into this huge smithy where numerous people were working, just staring at the rather impressive, house-sized forge at the end of the room. It was as if it was an altar, and the one that was using this as their workstation was the pastor. And that ’pastor’ was actually someone that Eisen was a bit familiar with already, even if he only briefly saw her once before.

Eisen approached the smithy, and the Blacksmiths that were gathered here in this room stared at Eisen in surprise as they stepped closer. Some of them wanted to stop him from interrupting the one at work in the front, others were just trying to figure out how a living person got here, and maybe a handful of them realized who it was that was walking through this room.

But in the end, nobody really stopped Eisen from approaching the Craftswoman at the forge. Eisen was a bit curious about what exactly she was making, and since he didn’t really want to interrupt her, he just sat down on a stool that stood around there randomly.

He watched the woman work, watched her shape the metal with expertise. She swung the hammer in her hand down again and again, and about an hour later, she seemed to be done with the item. A large, heavy hammer, either a warhammer or simply a tool for a rather large being. Maybe someone that was about 10 meters or so tall, if he had to guess.

Once the woman finished the head of this hammer up, she took a piece of cloth and rubbed it over her face to get rid of the pearls of sweat that were pouring down it. And once she placed the cloth to the side, she suddenly noticed the man sitting there, seemingly waiting for her to finish her work.

She stared at Eisen surprised and just looked back at him with a wry smile on her face, "E-Eisen... Did you die? But wait, aren’t you-"

"Yes, I’m immortal. Doesn’t stop me from visiting every once in a while, now does it?" The old man asked with a laugh as he stood up, approaching the woman with his hand stretched out forward, "Nice to see you again, Jephas."

The Lesser Goddess of Blacksmithing stood there in front of Eisen, not expecting that she would see him here all of a sudden. She, like almost all the other Lesser Gods and Goddesses to the realm of Craftsmanship had tried to excitedly speak to Eisen when he and the others were brought to meet the gods for the first time by Samuel, back when they thought that this was still a game.

"L-Likewise, but I still have to wonder what even brings you here in the first place..." The Lesser Goddess pointed out as she extended her hand to shake Eisen’s, but just before the hands of those two touched, Ambriel chose to intervene.

He pulled on Eisen and pushed him back, away from Jephas, "What do you think you are doing, you dirty, lesser being? I dare you to try and make contact with a supreme being like that again." The Angel threatened Eisen, now having probably gained a lot more confidence than before. They were so sure that gods were supreme and that mortals were lesser, that they didn’t even realize that Jephas herself was the one that was nervous to meet Eisen. After all, Eisen was actually older than her, and reached the peak of Blacksmithing far before she did. And since she looked up to Eisen, Jephas really didn’t appreciate to see someone treat him that way.

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