The Tyrant's Pet

Chapter 462 [Bonus Chapter]

At dawn, the square in Rikhill had quieted down as everyone either went home or just passed out on the street. Conan was so generous for spending every dime of Aries and Abel\'s wedding budget to treat everyone. Although the bride and groom themselves barely had drinks, they were satisfied to celebrate this special day with the people close to her heart.

But despite that, it didn\'t stop them from departing before the sun rises. At this time, some knights from the Maganti Ismael sent to assist Curtis and put proper order in the country had arrived using the fastest stallions before an entire unit come.

"Blegh!!!" Conan threw up to the side while Morro assisted him, making Aries, who was waiting for the carriage to arrive at the border they were in, shake her head.

"I didn\'t know vampires can get drunk," she mumbled, face distorting while Conan continued to throw up.

"Not easily." She turned her attention to Abel standing just beside her. His eyes were also on Conan and Morro. The latter was rubbing Conan\'s back like a good person would do. "But yes, we get drunk and high if we take a lot."

"Why was he even drinking and crying that much?" she whispered, setting her eyes back to Conan. "Shouldn\'t we postpone our departure until he gets better?"

"He put that upon himself." Suddenly, Dexter\'s voice came from behind them, making her look back. He smiled as soon as their eyes met, pointing his thumb to the side. "I prepared a carriage for you."

Aries gazed in the direction where Dexter pointed and smiled, seeing an approaching carriage with Climaco as the coachman. Next to it was Isaiah riding a horse, which didn\'t surprise her anymore, since Isaiah had always ridden a horse wherever he would go as if he was just hiding a few in his pocket.

"Where did you get such a luxurious carriage?" she inquired in interest.

"I bought it on my way here, knowing you will make such a request." Dexter stopped at arm\'s length from her and Abel. The latter was still staring at Conan and Morro as if he was already devising a wicked plan in his head.

"You know me very well." She chuckled while facing Dexter squarely. Aries focused her eyes on the approaching carriage until it stopped behind Dexter. As soon as it halted, with thick dust ascending from behind it, Dexter raised a question.

"Are you sure?" he inquired, making her brows raise.

"Are you sure you are leaving this place?" he repeated, jerking his chin at the town behind her.

Aries looked back and smiled. When she faced Dexter again, she nodded unhesitatingly.

"I can\'t let you all migrate here, after all," she humored. "I will kill Abel if he starts his killing spree in this place."

"That is a very unhealthy mindset. I\'m worried." Dexter could not help but let out a \'tch\' at her ridiculous reasoning. Did she just accept Abel\'s craziness? Just like that?

"Darling, you are aware I can hear you even when my brain is thinking how to make Conan drunk for fun, right?" Abel cast her a somber look, making her chuckle.

"But that\'s the truth. I\'d rather let you massacre your own people than scare my people." She shrugged nonchalantly before smiling at Dexter. "Let\'s prepare."

"Won\'t you bid him farewell?"

"Him?" she cocked her head to the side, blinking twice. "Ah. You mean Curtis?"

"Who else?"

"Well..." Aries looked back at the land of Rikhill and her smile softened. "No need for that. We already had time last night and... we promised to keep in touch. There\'s no need for farewell. That\'s not his style... nor mine."

A proud smile dominated Dexter\'s face while staring at her figure. He rocked his head and turned on his heel to check the carriage one last time. Meanwhile, Aries idled on the same spot while engraving the sight of Rikhill. As she did so, she unintentionally ignored Morro, who had carried Conan on his broad shoulders.

"One last time, darling." Aries snapped her eyes when Abel\'s voice caressed her ears. She looked at him, only to see him staring at Rikhill. "Don\'t you want to stay in this land? I\'ll be good and won\'t swat a fly."

Her smile grew gentler as she set her eyes on the town behind them.

"No," came out a whisper. "Rikhill will welcome a new grand duke to move forward. The last living member of the royal family will only cause problems in the future. I don\'t want to get in the way."

"I see..." Abel rocked his head in understanding.

The two of them stayed idle for some time before Abel faced her.

"Shall we?" he suggested, making her smile grow brighter.


Abel chuckled at her enthusiasm, but instead of offering his hand for her to clasp, he tipped his head in the carriage direction.

"I\'ll wait for you inside," he said while Aries caught the person why Abel didn\'t offer his hand.

"I won\'t be long," she replied, glancing at Abel. The latter shrugged and smirked confidently.

"Of course you won\'t." He winked before he sauntered off to the carriage, but went straight to Morro standing beside Isaiah\'s steed.

As Abel left her, Aries smiled at Climaco. The man placed his fist across his chest and bowed as a greeting, stopping several feet from her.

"Your Royal Highness," called Climaco, only to get corrected by her.

"I don\'t have a title." She chuckled.

Climaco didn\'t take her joke seriously as he breathed out. Still, he stuttered when he was trying to relay his sentiments.

"About this journey... I... I—I want — why had you not ask me why I am here?" he blurted out, saying the least important thing he had in his head instead of the original sentiments he wanted to tell her.

"What do you mean?" Aries tilted her head to the side. "You are my knight, so obviously, you\'re here because I\'m here. Am I wrong?"

"Pardon?" he looked up with blank eyes. Seeing his silly expression, Aries could not help but chuckle.

"Weren\'t you planning to ask me if you can serve me even in Haimirich? But you cannot follow right now because of your brothers in Maganti?" she raised her brows, catching his obvious answer on his flustered face. Aries advanced in his direction and stopped in front of him.

"Don\'t worry about them. Gertrude will take care of them; that\'s why I told you to take her and your brothers to a safe place." Her lips stretched broader as she tapped his biceps lightly. "Also, I don\'t actually trust the people in Haimirich, so I need my own people lest the emperor wants to snap my neck."

Aries giggled aloud before she sauntered off, leaving Climaco with gigantic question marks over his head.

"What did she mean by that...?" he murmured, dragging his feet to follow the master, who turned him into a proper knight.

Little did they know, as they disembarked to Haimirich, many more people — friends and foes — were journeying and had already arrived in the said land.

<strong>*** This is the last extra chapter from volume 2. The next chapter will be the prologue of volume 3 ***</strong>

<strong>[ Back in Haimirich]</strong>

In the royal court of Haimirich, ministers from all factions gathered like usual to discuss the important matters of the empire. Everyone bore a solemn front, but their eyes were blank as if they were under a spell.

"Today\'s agenda is the renaming of Haimirich Empire to… Chocolate Empire," the minister that took Conan\'s position in the royal court announced. "Now begins."

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