The Tyrant's Pet

Chapter 334 A Knight's Pledge

"Between the crown prince and I, whose orders will you follow?"

The lines on Climaco\'s forehead deepened, staring straight into the crown princess\'s eyes. His breathing grew slower, aware of what sort of question this was.

It was a test of loyalty; a decision he must live for the rest of his life.

Between the crown princess and the crown prince... whose orders weigh heavier?

The answer was obvious. Climaco was originally a young knight, hoping to climb the ranks and impose the law of this great empire. He had served the crown prince and fought for his honor — even though he was once those young recruits who were mortified at the crown prince\'s inhumane nature.

But no matter how he worked hard and stomached everything he had seen to survive this hellish nightmare dressed up as a daydream, his life had been stagnant. It didn\'t matter if he was a righteous knight or the evilest of them all. Because at the end of the day, there were all pawns for the crown prince. Pawns Joaquin could dispose of any time or just someone he could use as a punching bag to quench his anger.

Climaco had seen his colleagues die right in front of him for no damn reason. They didn\'t even die fighting for the country, but died a pathetic death and not being able to fight back. Therefore, although the answer was obvious, his voice was stuck in his throat and his tongue rolled back at his attempts to give her a safe answer.

He gazed at her solemnly, watching her tilt her head and bat her eyes ever so lovely. The crown princess might not be kind and she could be very cruel. She would play dirty when necessary and had proven herself deserving of her position.

The crown princess\'s difference from the crown prince was that she has regard for her people\'s lives and not just for the public eye. She might be just as evil or much more wicked than the crown prince, but she gave others options — cruel ones, though. In other words, the crown princess was by far the cruelest he had seen because she didn\'t have an uncontrollable temper problem, just like the crown prince.

If she was cruel, that means her cruelty came from her heart. But if she took people in, she would fight for them and if her people died, she would surely avenge them. Climaco had served Aries all these months; he had seen more than he should\'ve, and unconsciously admired her fierceness like she was a military man.

Climaco breathed out from his lips and sprung up on his seat. Without a word, he went down on one knee and placed his fist across his chest.

"I, Climaco, the Captain of the second squadron, pledge his loyalty to the crown princess. I take this oath to protect Your Royal Highness with all my life, take your orders and words as absolute, and put your life before mine," he pledged with an unbending resolution whilst bowing. "Being your knight is an absolute honor."

Aries smirked, watching Climaco swear a knight\'s vow to her. Her eyelids drooped until they were partially closed, pushing her body away from the armrest and sitting upright. She rested her leg over the other, bending over, propping her elbow on her thigh while resting her chin on her palm.

"Raise your head," she ordered, which he abided. She then extended her arm until the back of her hand was in front of him, fingers flicked elegantly.

Climaco breathed out as he stood up and advanced in her direction, bending over to clasp her hand. "My life is yours, Your Royal Highness," he expressed and guided the back of her hand to his lips, keeping his other hand behind him.

He didn\'t immediately straighten his back when he let her hand go. But he kept his bent posture while she cupped his jaw and examined his face up close. He didn\'t move in the slightest.

"You are wise and yet, no one had seen your potential," she whispered, blinking slowly while holding his gaze. "What if I told you to kill the crown prince, Captain? Will you do that for me?"

He held his breath for a moment and then lowered his eyes. "If that is what Your Royal Highness wants."

"How obedient." She chuckled and patted his cheek lightly. "I won\'t give you such a suicide mission, of course."

Aries leaned back while Climaco bent down to his one knee, a gesture to respect her since he couldn\'t keep standing while she was sitting and talking to him. Looking down on her was an utter disrespect.

"My husband\'s death is not something I wish to happen," she continued, propping her knuckles against her jaw. "At least, not now. I had many plans which I want him to enjoy with me."

He remained silent, listening to her carefully, eyes on her. The smirk on her face was the greatest clue she was planning something else — something that was even worse than an assassination attempt on the crown prince.

Her eyes glinted. "Captain, are you married?" she asked out of nowhere, making him flinch.

"N — no, Your Royal Highness."

​ "Do you have a family?"

"My parents died years ago. So I was left raising my two little brothers," he explained, breaking out in sweats at her inquiry about his personal life. "The one is ten and the other one is seven."

"Too young, I see." Aries rocked her head while studying him. "Is that the reason you became a knight?"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness. I wanted to give them a better life and..." he cleared his throat and swallowed down the tension in his throat. "... and give them an education."

Aries chuckled. "Education? As far as I remember, men in Maganti look down on education, since all matters to them are whether or not they can kill." She shook her head, knowing some noblemen had hired scholars to read the documents for them. It wasn\'t an unusual practice, since men here would rather hone their swordsmanship than learn to read and write.

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